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Pit bulls are wonderful dogs

Published June 22. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor,

As an owner of two pit bulls (both of which were scheduled to be euthanized due to aggressiveness) I can truthfully say I am more concerned for our younger generation living in todays ignorant society than I am of ANY child coming into contact with either of my pit bulls.

In the three years I have owned them, I have yet to see what would justify euthanizing them. These two pit bulls have stolen my heart and have awakened me to some issues our society fails to recognize.

Our neighbors who were first apprehensive about pit bulls have now become friends with them and make frequent unannounced visits just to give them treats. Even my mother who was stereotypical of pit bulls has fallen in love with the breed and has joined the cause to protect them.

I have, like many others, assumed the responsibilities of owning a stereotypically misjudged dog and will never allow anyone to tell me I must give them up.

In my lifetime I have had more run ins with labs and poodles than I have ever had a pit. However there is no negative judgment toward those breeds.

Pits are the most loyal and dedicated animal I have ever had the pleasure of owning.

Its time for people to realize that stereotypes of years past need to die out. People who are responsible dog owners should not be fined or penalized on things such as homeowners insurance and should not live in fear their dog will be taken from them simply because it is a pit bull.

Dogs are just like people with their children it does not matter what breed, race, color or gender its about treatment, respect and responsibility.

Both of my pit bulls along with my cousin's pit bull have been starved and beaten nearly to death and are more grateful for a kiss on the nose than many peoples children are for an expensive Christmas present. Despite the torment they have endured at the hands of human beings, pit bulls are the only breed with a big enough heart and strong enough will power to be able to learn to love again.

I find it repulsive that the two gentlemen who wrote the previous articles are more concerned with writing about banning pits than the growing issue of narcotics and welfare recipients in Carbon County.

Kids are dying on the streets from drugs and you want to write about banning pits? Your article stated that two young girls were bitten by pits while walking home from school.

My question to you is what kind of parent allows a child that young to walk home without adult supervision? Have you investigated if either child did anything to provoke that dog's behavior because it was in fear?

You declare pits as a menace to society but yet you seem to fail to recognize the increase in gang activity and narcotics in Carbon County. So lets "cut the red tape" here and recognize pits are not a menace to society. Society is becoming a menace to itself! Maybe your next article could be about banning sports cars and fining their owners because too many have been in car accidents!

Wake up people! These dogs are being punished for what society, false information and ignorance has done to them. These dogs are not born this way. They are beaten, starved and forced to fight and then punished for what their owner has made them.

All they truly want is a family to love them. Stop the discrimination against pit bulls and start punishing these people who over breed and force these dogs to be aggressive. It is time people stop reading your false information and hear the real truth about how this amazing breed is suffering at the very hands of their owners who should be protecting them.

I welcome you Mr. Ahner to contact me. I will graciously invite you into our home, introduce you to my pits and tell you stories of their personal hardship.

You will look at my girls and see the physical scars left behind and broken bones that never healed properly thanks to their previous owners. You will see they are not evil. They are victims. After that has pulled at your heart I will take you to an inner city dog pound and let you see first hand the cruelty human beings have inflicted upon them.

I can assure you that once you look into their soft eyes you will no longer see a killer. You will see a lost soul begging for a chance to just be loved and treated with kindness.


Proud Pit Bull Mom

Jess Szoke

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