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Age old political patronage

Published March 02. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

In an effort to reduce the exorbitant board compensation of the Lansford-Coaldale Joint Water Authority, I recently applied for a vacant seat. I am a retired, degreed financial analyst with 20 years of "Forturne 500" experience. I offered to serve for a total annual compensation of $1,200 (no medical insurance or pension).

The incumbent board member receives an $18,000 annual salary along with medical insurance and pension. Lansford Borough Council appointed the incumbent by a 5 - 1 vote.

Many of us Lansford residents feel that while Councilman Vadyak utilized prudent economic principals of value, cost and consumer impact in his evaluations, Council members Kovatch, Cannon, Yasson, Snyder and Soberick utilized nothing more than age-old political patronage.

If you agree, remember the previous names in your future election decisions and also remember to savor your next drink of Lansford-Coaldale water - it's an expensive one!

Len Sniscak,


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