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Published March 11. 2013 05:04PM

It wasn't that long ago that the Obama administration found itself in damage control over the Benghazi story after peddling a lame story about an anti-Muslim film being the primary cause of the assault on the U.S. diplomatic outpost that killed four Americans.

Even after congressional hearings, many questions still remain about the Obama administration's role in attempting to put up a smokes-creen on what happened. Who knew what and when, and who gave the order to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to spread the lies blaming the film for sparking the deadly attacks?

The speculation about this administration lies and cover-ups about Libya was still fresh when we learned of another potentially dangerous event that no one in the administration took responsibility for or even admitting knowing about. In recent weeks, thousands of illegal immigrants ticketed for deportation have been released from federal detention centers.

What's remarkable is that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano denied any involvement, stating that the decision to release illegal immigrants was made "in the field," and without her knowledge. Keep in mind that these are not just vagrants, but individuals with criminal backgrounds that were loosed to the streets.

First, the administration acknowledged that a "few hundred" were released but without the White House's direct knowledge. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the illegals released were "low-risk, noncriminal detainees."

The Department of Homeland Security, which oversaw the move, quickly updated that number. The Associated Press then revealed that the agency held an average daily population of 30,733 in its jails and that the Obama administration had intended to reduce those figures to 25,748 by March 31.

According to a DHS statement, the release was done "to ensure detention levels stay within ICE's current budget" since the methods of supervision by monitoring is less costly than detention.

Republicans in Congress, already critical of the plan to release illegal immigrants and fresh from getting an Obama snowjob on Benghazi, demanded details, including the nature of any criminal charges they were facing as part of the deportation process.

Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stated: "Simply blaming budget reductions as a means to turn a blind eye toward the national security of the American people is a dangerous plan, and one that calls into question the department's preparations for sequestration."

The states where immigrants were released include Arizona, California, Georgia and Texas. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, no fan of this White House, called the release "pure political posturing" that "represents a return to exactly the kind of catch-and-release procedures that have long made a mockery of our country's immigration system."

Brewer, who has had a long-running battle with the administration over securing the borders and not upholding the law on illegal immigration, feels that this president was out to punish Arizona politically. She faults the federal government for failing to communicate with the states involved, stating that she herself first learned of the release of detainees on the news. She said it only serves more evidence that the country has descended into "chaos" under this administration

Chaos may be a strong word but like Benghazi, the administration's failure to take responsibility for the release of criminal detainees makes this president look as if the White House is totally inept, a buck passer not willing to fess up for its action or that it simply doesn't care.

By Jim Zbick

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