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Published May 11. 2013 09:04AM

Dear Editor:

All over this land we put aside a special day to honor these lovely ladies,

To be put on a pedestal for their unselfish attitude toward all in their families.

Mom takes care of her sons and daughters and teaches then the fundamentals of life,

And shows to her husband the generous soul with the sacrificial ways of a wife.

She puts aside her own needs to accommodate her family through all their years of growing without fault,

The tenderness is beyond reproach and when a bad day comes by she never lets greatness come to a halt.

We as a whole cannot thank our mother for her undying devotion to all of us through ugly times,

And remember the good she created in our lives and never forget her amazing fortitude and energy that would last and bind.

We thank God for putting these beautiful human beings on earth for all to be inspired by their grace,

Everyone has a mother an her reactions and feelings can be seen by gazing at her face.

A special place in Heaven will always be for mothers,

A place God made for mothers and many others.

Howard Startzel/Judy Lucas


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