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Published May 22. 2013 05:04PM

The Obama administration has a strange way of handling government employees connected to scandals like IRS and Benghazi.

Sarah Hall Ingram was the executive in charge of the IRS tax exempt division which admittedly targeted conservative groups. Yet she was promoted to chief of the health care reform office, which will oversee the implementation of ObamaCare. It's also reported that Ingram received over $100,000 in bonuses during her tenure as head of the division.

The promotion and bonus pay does not sit well with conservative Americans.

Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, the Conservative Communications Center, and the Cybercast News Service, called on Obama to show some authority and dismiss Ingram.

"If there is any sliver of respect for the American people left in President Obama's administration, he will immediately fire Sara Hall Ingram," Bozell said in a statement. "There is no place inside the IRS for such an ideologically driven individual, one of the key individuals in charge of handing out punishment to groups that did not support the President's far left agenda."

Jenny Beth Martin, National Coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, said that "Sarah Hall Ingram allowed and possibly encouraged the outrageous and discriminatory tactics toward Tea Party Patriots based on political ideology, clearly violating her supposedly unbiased office."

Since the IRS investigation has just gotten underway, there are big questions of how much authority Ingram had, and if she even approved of the targeting.

"We do not trust the IRS to implement the Affordable Care Act in a fair and equal manner and further do not trust anyone who was involved in targeting tea party groups to administer the Affordable Health Care Act in a fair and equal manner," Martin said.

On Sunday, the White House used senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer to spread the party line on four Sunday morning political talk shows. He offered support for Ingram, stating "there's no evidence that suggests she did anything wrong."

When pressed about President Obama's role during the night of the embassy attack in Benghazi, Pfeiffer said that Obama was in touch with his national security team during the night of the attack. Chris Wallace of Fox News pointed out to Pfeiffer that the president didn't talk to the Secretary of State except for one time after the attack was over, didn't talk to the Secretary of Defense, and didn't talk with the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the crisis developed. Yet, his aides claim he was engaged on what was taking place throughout the evening.

Pfeiffer said the president was kept well informed. He then dismissed all criticism of the president's role, calling the details of the attack "irrelevant." That was a poor choice of words, but not out of character for the administration.

Earlier this year, during hearings on Benghazi, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, angered by a Benghazi question, shot back by asking "What difference does it make?"

These kinds of outrageous comments regarding the ongoing scandals beg for special investigations.

Just to change things up, maybe this administration could give us the facts and the whole truth.

By Jim Zbick

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