Witner birth
WITNER A son, Kaden Jerome Witner, was born at 10:25 a.m. Feb. 22, 2013 at St. Luke's Allentown, to Rachel and Jeremy Witner of Weatherly. He weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces and measured 23 inches long.
Maternal grandparents are Michele and Robert Selert, Weatherly. Paternal grandparents are Janet and Brian Witner, also of Weatherly.
Maternal great-grandparents are Helen J. Michalik and the late Edward B. Michalik of Summit Hill, and Arnie and Millie Selert of Weatherly.
Paternal great-grandparents are Donald Morgan and the late Marian Morgan and Alburtis and Anna Witner of Weatherly. Verna Gerhard, Weatherly, is the great-great grandmother.