opinion Swimming safety Use common sense for an enjoyable season
Although most swimming pools and beaches opened this past weekend, the weather was a little too cool for most people to enjoy them.
Rain is predicted today to add another delay to traditional summer season fun.
Temperatures will be rising this week. They could reach 90 by Saturday, say weather forecasters.
This means people will be scurrying to their favorite swimming locations.
Whether its a back yard pool, a community pool, a state park, or a river, use common sense. Be careful.
There were numerous drownings locally last Summer. Most were in isolated swimming areas where there are no lifeguards, such as the Lehigh River.
Know you limits. Swim with people who you trust and who have the ability to help you if you get into trouble.
Avoid rapids, such as those in the Lehigh River.
The best advice we can offer is swim where there are lifeguards, such as municipal pools and locations like Mauch Chunk Lake Park, or where there are a lot of people present such as Beltzville State Park.
If you have a backyard swimming pool, don't go swimming alone. Also, be especially careful if you have young children using your pool. Keep a close watch on them. Don't let them be reckless.
Swimming can be a lot of fun in the summer. Most adults will tell you some of their best memories are summers at swimming pools.
Swimming can also cause heartbreak when things go wrong and a drowning occurs.
In one of the drowning incidents last year, an individual with little swimming experience went to an isolated area of Beltzville State Park after hours, where swimming is prohibited, and tested the waters.
Another incident happened in the swirling rapids of the Lehigh River by the Weissport trestle.
Don't take unnecessary chances in the water. Use common sense.
Make the summer a safe and happy one.