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Chestnuthill news

Published May 29. 2013 05:03PM

Free sports camp

Pleasant Valley Assembly of God, Brodheadsville, is holding a free sports camp for children ages Pre-K through sixth grade. Camp will run from 6-8:30 p.m. from June 23-27 at the church at 1 Warren Lane.

Crafts will be offered for Pre-K while sports will be offered to grades 1-6, including soccer, flag football, basketball and cheerleading.

For more information call (570) 992-6799.

Rotary speaker

West End Rotary Club will hear a presentation by Denise Burton, outreach librarian, Hughes Library, at its Thursday, May 30 breakfast meeting. The club meets at 7:30 a.m. at the Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville.

Effort blood drive

Effort United Methodist Church is hosting a blood drive from 2-6 p.m., Thursday.

Shoe drop-off

Western Pocono Community Library has announced that it is serving as a drop-off site for PVHS senior Jack Wathen's project to collect new and gently used shoes for the Soles4Souls global, not-for-profit organization. Shoes will be accepted through Friday. Wathen hopes to collect 1,000 pairs of shoes, to aid people in need.

Joint revival

The Rev. Dr. Irving Cotto, Northeast District superintendent of the United Methodist Church, will be the featured speaker at a spiritual revival set for 4-6 p.m., Saturday, June 1 in Effort. Local churches invited to attend include Effort UMC, Neola, Reeders, St. Peter's in Saylorsburg, and Wooddale. All are welcome.

The service will be followed by a covered dish supper, beginning at 6:15 p.m. Participants are asked to bring a lawn chair and a dish to share.

All Sports Club

Pleasant Valley's All Sports Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., Monday, June 3, in the PVHS library.

Summer reading program

Western Pocono Community Library will continue to accept registrations for its Summer Reading Program through June. The program is to begin June 11. For more information, call the library at (570) 992-7934.

Helping out

The Western Pocono Lioness Club presented a check for $100 to the Garden of Giving after the founder of that project, Tammy Graeber, was the club's speaker.

PVEN needs

According to Our Lady Queen of Peace church, the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network needs cereal, peanut butter, jelly, blankets and towels and any size bedding. One can bring them to church or deliver them directly to the PVEN Tuesday mornings.

VBS at Zion

Zion United Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville will hold Vacation Bible School from June 24-28. The theme is: Forever Loving You. It was developed by On Eagle's Wings, an ecumenical ministry serving isolated and remote areas of Canada.

Blood drives

Western Pocono Community Library, Brodheadsville, continues to host weekly blood drives for the Miller-Keystone Center. A drive will be held there from noon to 6 p.m. both Wednesday, June 5, and Wednesday, June 12

To register call Deb Otto at (610) 691-5850, ext. 1227. Walk-ins are welcome.

McMichaels UMC church will also hold a drive for Miller-Keystone from 8-11 a.m., Saturday, June 8. The contact person is Ray Butler, (570) 619-0423.

Senior center special

The Chestnuthill Senior Center, located in Zion Lutheran Church's Fellowship Room, Brodheadsville, will be a special place Friday, June 7, from 9 a.m. until noon. The Senior Farmer's Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) will be offered again this year to senior West Enders who are income eligible Monroe County Seniors.

The program offers a $20 voucher for free fruits and vegetables in order to encourage older consumers to take advantage of such foods produced by local farmers who make those products available at farmers' markets.

For more information, one can contact the Monroe County Area Agency on Aging at (570) 420-3735 or 1-800-498-0330.

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