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Chestnuthill column

Published November 06. 2013 05:00PM

Pet Adoption Fair

The Western Pocono Community Library, Brodheadsville, is offering a pet adoption fair at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. There will be no live animals.

WPCL auditions

Storybook Theatre auditions will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13 for major productions to be performed in February 2014. Storybook Theatre is the library's Teen Drama club, open to any student in grades 7-12, in any school district, or home-schooled. They are always looking for new talent, in front of the curtain and behind.

PVEN board

The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network's board will meet at 9 a.m. Thursday at Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville.

Lions board

The Western Pocono Lions Club will hold its board meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Western Pocono Community Library.

In addition to the regular club business, Lions will judge local entries in the Lions International Peace Poster contest.


The PVMS Drama Club will present its play, "One in a Million," free for senior citizens, at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, at the Pleasant Valley Middle School via a dress rehearsal. Those interested in attending should call Grace Marks at 570-977-4437 or at Light refreshments will be served after the play. It is being directed by Rollene Gougher, a math teacher at the middle school.

Contemporary music

Effort UMC's 5 p.m. Saturday evening worship service, led by Ken Edwards, will feature Contemporary Christian Music. The special guest will be local Christian recording artist William Doney on vocals and guitar. Call for details 570-629-1890 or email questions to his

Annual fall drive

Operation Touch of Home's annual fall drive is taking place this weekend at Kinsley's from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sunday. Anyone who would like to help is asked to call Karl K. Leiner at 908-619-3667.

Touch of Home has only a handful of names to send packages to, so the plan is to pack up any extra products that are received and store them until a group leaves later in the month. Anyone who would like to stop by the American Legion on Route 209 in Gilbert and help, is welcome; however, there may not be a lot to do there as folks wait for products to arrive.

Anyone having a name of a soldier deployed overseas, is asked to forward the individual's information to as soon as possible or contact Karl Leiner at Karl.

Community meals

Our Lady Queen of Peace has announced its community meals for November. They are: dinner, Sunday, Nov. 10, 3-4 p.m.; luncheon, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 12:30 p.m.; and Thanksgiving dinner, Sunday, Nov. 24, 3-4 p.m. Call the office to register at 610-681-6137.

Veterans Day observance

American Legion Post 927, Route 209 and Fairgrounds Road, Gilbert, will hold a Veterans Day observance at 11 a.m., Monday, Nov. 11. All are welcome to help the Post honor the veterans.

UMW meets

Effort United Methodist UMW will hold a business meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11, in Wesley Hall. Nita Nydam will present devotions and hostesses will be Ruth Oakes and Barbara Stephan.

Busy Boy Scouts

On Saturday Troop 98 will be collecting foods put out by area residents, which will be taken to the PVEN, which currently serves 290 families per week.

Free activities

The West End Park & Open Space Commission will host two free events on Saturday. The first is a soccer clinic at the Chestnuthill Park, Route 715, Brodheadsville, from 10 a.m. until noon. Children 8 and under are invited to learn basic skills and participate in fun drills conducted by James Blick, former PV Varsity and current ESU player.

A kite boarding demonstration will be held at the West End Regional Park, 578 Evergreen Hollow Road, Brodheadsville, beginning at 2 p.m. Learn to fly a 5-meter foil kite. Waivers or parental consent required. Anyone may watch.

For more information contact Bernie Kozen at or 570-992-9733.

Food pantry news

Effort UMC's SFRC (Food Pantry) will be open Saturday for its regular food pantry distribution. It will also be the time to sign up for Christmas food baskets.

On Nov. 23, families who had previously signed up, should pick up their Thanksgiving baskets. Pre-registration was required.

Zion's busyness

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, the Walking Group will meet at 11 a.m. at Western Pocono Community Library. At 1 p.m., the Knit & Crochet Group will meet at the church.

Lioness board

Western Pocono Lioness Club's board will meet at noon, Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Cherry's Family Restaurant, Kresgeville. All members are welcome.

Red Cross blood drive

Wawa in Brodheadsville is scheduled to be the site for a Nov. 14 Red Cross blood drive from 1-6 p.m.

To schedule an appointment, call 800-RED-CROSS.

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