Tamaqua news
Garden club
The Lewistown Valley Garden Club's annual dinner meeting was held recently at St. Joseph's Church in Summit Hill. President June Leiby conducted a short business meeting.
Dale Freudenberger of the Tamaqua Historical Society provided a program on the history of the society and its accomplishments over the past few years. He also spoke of current and future plans, including an ongoing remodeling project. A question-and-answer period followed his presentation.
The next garden club meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Nov. 19, in the social hall of Zion's Church in the Lewistown Valley. The program will be a show and tell session. Members are reminded to bring a craft or hobby item to display.
New members are always welcome. For more information, call 570-668-4288.
SAL holidays
The Tamaqua Salvation Army is gearing up for its annual holiday traditions, including the Angel Tree Program, the Christmas Kettle Campaign and WNEP's Feed A Friend program.
The Angel Tree Program provides a season brightener for needy children who may not otherwise receive any gifts during the holidays. Names of participating children have been written on angel tags, which are then placed on angel trees at participating locations. Each Angel Tag provides the name, age, gender, clothing sizes and special Christmas needs/wishes of the child. Tags will be available as of Nov. 13.
Deadline to return new, unwrapped items will be Dec. 11.
The Christmas Kettle Campaign will kick off on Nov. 16, at 10 a.m., at Depot Square Park, at Tamaqua's Five Points Intersection.
An informational meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Nov. 7. Volunteers are asked to spend two or more hours ringing the traditional bells at designated kettle locations. Funds collected are used to support local needy residents in the Schuylkill-Carbon area.
The Feed A Friend Campaign will run through Nov. 26. Donated canned goods and non perishable items will be distributed to needy families during the holidays.
For more information on any SAL program, call the Tamaqua Salvation Army at 570-668-0410.
Art show
The Tamaqua Community Art Center will host a reception today to highlight the work of West Penn Township artist William Heffner. The meet and greet session will be held from 6-9 p.m. at 125 Pine St.
The reception is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Bethany EC
The Rev. Kevin Roberts will officiate at the 8 a.m. traditional service this Sunday in Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church. The contemporary service will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the Tamaqua YMCA. Sunday school classes will meet at 9:15 a.m., at the church.
Also on Sunday, the monthly service at the Tamaqua ABC Hi Rise will be held at 6 p.m. and the Anger to Intimacy growth group will meet at 6:30 p.m.
Activities for next week will include: Tuesday, prayer time at 8:30 a.m., Good News Club meets at 3:15 p.m. at the South Ward Playground, kitchen and social commission will meet at 7 p.m.; Wednesday, I Am growth group meets at 1 a.m. at the Majestic House, Tamaqua Youth Ministry meets at 6:30 p.m., GriefShare meets at 7 p.m., TYM staff meet at 8 p.m., musician and praise practice at 8 p.m.; Thursday, Every Man's Battle growth group meets at 7 p.m.