And the winner of the LOVE award is ...
By the time you read this, Harry and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary. (Insert applause here please.)
You know how they have the Oscars, Emmys, CMA awards and sports has its ESPY awards?
Well, I think there should be a Love's Outstanding and Vivid Events (LOVE) awards for our spouses. You know, those sweet, wonderful, funny, ridiculous moments in our marriage that endears or drives us nuts, but we still continue to love each other anyway.
I'm going to award Harry the LOVE award in the "Most Observant Husband" category.
I bought a beautiful black primitive cabinet at Spillane's. It is 35 inches long and stands about 32 inches high. I placed it right beside the front door. I set some of my favorite decorative items on it and a lamp.
Not a word from Harry when he came home from work. He walked right by it. Just for fun, I wanted to see how long it would take him to notice it.
Wednesday ... nothing. Thursday ... nothing. Friday ... It was about 6 p.m. Friday night. Diane and I had just returned from shopping. I had bought a new lampshade for the lamp on the cabinet. Harry was sitting at the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee. He watched me put the new lampshade on the light, asking me what was wrong with the old one. Then he said, "Did you buy the cabinet too?"
Diane and I laughed. I said, "Not today. It's been sitting here for two and a half days."
"No it hasn't," he argued.
Here's his LOVE award.
"The Sweetest Moment During the Ceremony" category goes to Jerry Keiper.
Jerry and Renee were shopping for wedding bands at K&S Jewelers. When they found the perfect band to go with her engagement ring, Renee said "We'll take two to match." Jerry said, "Only one. I can't wear a band at work anyway."
"I told him he should still get it to wear when we go out. He said it would be a waste of money. I was very sad. When we went back to K&S to pick up my band I asked him again and he still said no. I think I nagged him a couple of more times about it leading up to the wedding day! I was still very sad.
"You know the part during the ceremony when the minister asks for the rings? Well, Jerry reached into his pocket and pulled out TWO matching bands! I was so shocked that I cried right in the middle of the ceremony! It was so sweet and so typical of Jerry to keep a secret like that from me."
In the "Keeping the Love Light Burning" category, Beverly and Barry Mosteller wins.
They had electric candles in every window of their house.
"Barry would put out all the window candle lights in our bedroom, as not to be too bright for his bride when she slept. One cold winter night we had just gone to bed, and Barry was doing his job, turned out the last bulb with a twist, got into bed. We were all tucked in with the comforter, all cozy, when the one light nearest our bed, turned back on. We both laughed. We still chuckle when we think of it today."
In the "Oops I Forgot Our Anniversary" category, the award goes to Terri Sheckler.
"I forgot our anniversary one year. Me, not my husband. I got a hard time from my family about it. So the next year I sent my husband black balloons and a sympathy card for our anniversary."
The "Scariest but Sweetest" category is awarded to Scott Meckes from wife, Patti.
"I was home alone being the great Wallenda, painting a very high foyer. My husband's mother stopped at lunch and when I walked her out to her car to chat, my husband came flying up the driveway all distressed saying, 'I thought you fell! You didn't answer the phone!' When he didn't hear from me, he left work, drove like a crazy man to rescue his wife ... that was one of the sweetest things ever!"
Dora Tartar gets the "Best Use of Saran Wrap Ever" category award.
"Soon after we got married, and I was much thinner, I did many gimmicks to lose weight or at least to keep the weight off. (Most of them not very successful.) Anyway ... there was the sauna suit which caused you to sweat profusely while doing your housework. You did sweat, but after drinking water to replenish your body, you really didn't lose any weight. Well, Brian came home from work and there I was in my sauna suit. Another gimmick was the use of saran wrap to achieve the same results. So, there I was vacuuming in the nude wearing only my saran wrap. Brian never knew what he would find when he got home. However, back in the day, he did prefer me in the saran wrap."
Diann Bittenbender says that she and Gene have a lot of goof ball stories. Like their "romantic" get-a-ways, EZ Pass experience, their Reading nightmare, their "see-nix" train ride in Massachusetts, Gene forgetting her birthday ...
"If this awards thing was BINGO, I'm quite sure Gene and I would win coverall!"
If you have a LOVE award-winning moment in your marriage, send it to me. I have a few more to share with you next week.