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Chestnuthill news

Published October 09. 2013 05:00PM

PAC/PTO meeting

The Pleasant Valley Middle School PAC/PTO will meet at 2 p.m., Thursday.

PV Board meets

The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Administrative Office building in Brodheadsville.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet from 10 a.m. until noon Saturday in the Teen Room. No experience is necessary.

Food drive continues

Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville held its Harvest Home celebration this past Sunday. The church wants to help fill the shelves at the PVEN Community Service Center even more, so the food drive is continuing through Oct. 13.

Busy Leos

The Leo Club at Pleasant Valley High School has been raising funds for good causes. As of the latest report by Melissa Dennis, Leo adviser, the club has raised the following: Crossing Abilities Playground: $2,309; Red Cross October: $853.71; Red Cross Summer:$1,036; Hope: $3,583. Those monies went to low income student dress code items, school murals being painted, positivity speakers, positivity trips and collaboration initiatives.

Upcoming for the Leos are: Parent Teacher Conference/open house escorts; Halloween Costume Drive; Halloween Community Night at the School; Petoberfest a drive for pet food, cat litter, toys, used bedding and towels, cleaning supplies for the AWSOM shelter; and the Warm Coat Initiative, a coat drive for the school district and community.

Evening service

Effort UMC offers a Saturday Night Evening worship service with music on the second Saturday of every month. All are welcome.

This Saturday's guest will be musician Mike Baldwin from Narrow Road on vocals, guitar and mandolin. The service begins at 5 p.m. at the church on Merwinsburg Road, Effort. It is led by Ken Edwards.

Call for details 570-629-1890 or email questions to

Community Supper

The next community supper at Our Lady Queen of Peace is set for 3-4 p.m., Sunday in McCawley Hall.

AWSOM guest

Effort United Methodist Women will hear about AWSOM (Animal Welfare Society of Monroe) when the group meets at 7 p.m. Oct. 14. The meeting begins with devotions led by Ruth Flechsig. She and Jan Decker will serve as hostesses.

PV Diversity Task Force

The PV Diversity Task Force will meet 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the district office.

Vets Support Group

A Veterans Support Group, facilitated by Glen Lippincott, meets the third Tuesday of the month at the American Legion in Gilbert. The group is slated to meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Contact Lippincott at 570-242-0810 or 570-992-6038 or at or at


The Pleasant Valley High School PAC will meet at 10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 16.

Lions program

The Western Pocono Lions Club will meet for its monthly dinner meeting at The Old Mill Pizza on Route 209 in Sciota, Wednesday, Oct. 16, beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a social time. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m.

The guest speaker will be Lindsay Vaughn, dietitian from Shop Rite. She will talk on cooking for one or two people.

Helping refugees

A special project for knitters and crocheters is under way at Zion Lutheran. The Knit & Crochet group is making 8-inch squares to send to an organization that will then sew them together to make blankets for the Syrian refugee children who have escaped from Syria.

The children and their families are living in refugee camps in neighboring countries.

During the week, members of Zion will be busy hosting Family Promise, an obligation the church meets several times a year.

Church feast

Effort United Methodist Church will be hosting its fifth Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 28, beginning at 2 p.m. It will be a full dinner with all the trimmings.

Lions Rally

Members of the Western Pocono Lions and Lioness clubs were in attendance at the District 14U annual Fall Rally held at the Mahoning Valley Ambulance Building in Lehighton.

Present from the Lions Club were PDG Bob Argot and his wife, Herman Green, PDG Bob Kelsey, Mary Jane Lucrezi, Charles and Joanne Rush, and PCC Chris Sweeney and his wife Rita, a member of the Stroudsburg Lions Club.

Representing the Western Pocono Lioness Club were Adele Argot, Ruth Hebron and Rita Sweeney.

PDG Bob Kelsey was part of the program. He announced that for the past three years Lions District 14U has won in the PA Lions Pin Contest, beginning with him, then PDG Scott Dudley and just this past program year, the Immediate Past District Governor, Angie Mims.

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