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Still receiving the complaints

Published October 19. 2013 09:00AM

Letter to the Editor:

First, I would like to welcome the new editor, Marta Gouger, back to the TIMES NEWS. I hope you can have as good a working relationship with her as I have had with Bob Urban. (Kudos, Bob, have a great retirement).

I have written a few letters over the years, and most of them went to press. Some edited, some rejected.

So, in keeping with your policy, I shall try to keep writing "politically correct!"

Without further adieu, I will set my lebanon sandwich aside and get to the point.

I am still getting calls and complaints about certain "municipalities" not giving the people what they are paying for. For instance,when a pipe under a roadway collapses, you fix it; you don't erect a crude sign that says, "Slow down." Or, paint an orange circle around a pothole, rather than repair it! With winter coming on, are they going to tell the people to get enough bread and milk in, and then stay home? What about emergency vehicles?

Again, I am bothered with complaints from a certain "area" that calls police, only to have a "trooper" respond. (With all due respect to the troopers, but they have enough of their own "area" to cover.)

Are the local police hiding in the bushes to catch the bad guys? Also, isn't it time the police park the car, take off the dark sunglasses, and walk the beat, strolling in and out of the stores to quell any possible theft therein. Or stop by and sit on the front porch a few minutes with a nice old lady that wants to brag about her flowers?

Oh, one more thing, then I'll let you get back to the more important news. As a result of one of my recent letters, I have noticed a remarkable change in some local restaurants. Yes, they are welcoming patrons with a smile!

Thank you, but at times I still need to eat at home. So, back to my sandwich.

Respectfully yours,

Richard M. Gross


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