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Don't be fooled

Published September 14. 2013 09:00AM

I didn't really plan on watching any of the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies that took place on Wednesday, 12 years after the horrific and historic events.

After all, recalling those shocking memories and viewing the unforgettable images on the television screen causes me anger and sadness.

Still, I felt compelled, if not obligated, to do so.

As I listened to the calling out of the names of each individual who perished on that fateful day, my eyes began to well up and a lump formed in my throat.

I began to reflect on all of the innocent lives that were extinguished for reasons that we may truly never know.

I also brought to mind those who lost their own lives while trying to save others, and those who rose up and martyred themselves so that the Flight 93 aircraft could not be used as a weapon against its intended target.

We are asked, as individuals and as a nation to "Never forget"; and yet, it pains me greatly to remember.

I think I am not alone in that sometimes, I would like to forget and maybe even pretend that it didn't happen, and instead, pretend that everything is fine and that there really isn't that sort of evil in our country and in our world.

But I would be a fool.

There have been many theories as to why 9/11 happened and who was really responsible.

I have viewed some compelling footage that suggest that the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks may not have played out quite the way they have been portrayed by the media to the public and the thought of that terrifies me, as it should you.

I consider myself to be a seeker of truth who has always opened up my eyes and my mind to not immediately come to a particular conclusion without investigating both sides.

I have never been a "not my kid" type of parent simply because I know human nature, what we are all capable of, and I always do my best to not allow my children to lie in order to avoid accountability.

If you remember from one of my older columns, I am the "mean mom" and over the years, I have ratted out my children when I knew they had done something wrong and needed to be accountable and to face the consequences.

On the flip side, I will stand up and fight for what is right and expose the lie or the error for what it really is, again, to establish accountability.

I think that I would be a fool once again, to not apply these principles in thinking to the current situation we find ourselves in here in what used to be the "good ol' U.S. of A."

In fact, I think we are all fools if we do not open our eyes and particularly, our minds and find out (to the best of our ability) what is really going on within our government and the decisions they are trying to make.

There is a lot of conflicting information out there complete with accusations and fierce denials; some of it may seem far-fetched at first, but the more you think about it and begin to piece information together, the more it becomes a possibility.

Some of it is also just so far "out there" that I can't even fathom it as being anywhere remotely close to the truth. Still, I arm myself with all of the possibilities and then begin to dissect them and try to make enough sense of it all to formulate my own thought and then proceed accordingly.

There is one thing that I am certain of, and that is that someone is lying to us.

We just have to work hard to first figure out who and then why.

After that, we have to figure out what to do about it.

Yes, DO.

We cannot just sit back and allow ourselves to be spoon fed someone else's notion of how our lives should be lived or how this country should be run, nor should we have the barrel of a gun put to our heads and be terrorized into that same notion.

I am not saying we should be able to do whatever we want, I'm saying that we have the Constitution and it should be followed.

I am not going to sit here and tell you what to believe (there are enough people trying to tell or trick you into doing that already), I am, however, going to ask that you remove any blinders (since it isn't going to just go away), open your minds, educate yourselves and then take action before we pass the point of no return; if we haven't already.

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