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And yet she still stands

Published April 19. 2014 09:00AM

Feeling dog-tired one recent Sunday evening, I shut down my computer and was just about to change into my jammies and crawl into bed when the phone began to ring.

Typically when the phone rings at that time of night, it isn't for a good reason.

My heart started to beat rapidly and I hesitated before picking up the receiver.

I checked the caller ID and answered it when I realized it was a dear friend of mine.

Immediately I could tell that she was upset and that something was very, very wrong.

She proceeded to tell me that her child had overdosed - again.

My heart immediately sank and I told her I would be right over to pick her up.

On the ride back to her house, I listened in abject horror as she told me that this was the second time in two weeks and the third time in the past couple of months that he had overdosed on heroin.

The pain expressed by this frightened, fatigued and heartbroken mother crushed me to the center of my being.

When we got out of my car, I held her as she shook and sobbed.

I half expected her to collapse; as I know that sort of thing would sap the breath and the strength right out of me.

I found it unfathomable that she was still able to stand after all that she has endured over the past few months let alone years of her children's drug use and other heart-wrenching ordeals that have plagued her family.

Her health is not good and the years of anguish and turmoil have most definitely taken their toll on her; and yet, she still stands.

Thankfully, her son has survived this most recent overdose; but I can't help but wonder how long his "luck" (or hers) will hold out.

While it would be very easy for me to chatter on about addicts and addiction, it is instead my desire to pay homage to this mother, and others like her, who somehow manage to hold on and push forward despite the crippling and gut-wrenching challenges they are forced to endure.

For most women, the overwhelming love and fierce need to protect their child starts when that child is still in the womb and continues to grow stronger and stronger each day.

Mothers routinely give up eating and sleeping to make sure that the needs of their child are met.

When their child hurts, they hurt, and if you hurt their child, you had better watch out.

However, when something like addiction hits a family, it becomes even more difficult for a mother because the person hurting her child is her child.

To make matters worse, a mother will often beat herself up in thinking that her child's poor decisions and ultimate addiction is somehow her fault, or that she has failed as a parent.

The longer the problem persists, the more broken and helpless she feels; and yet, she still stands.

She stands because she knows she has to; giving up is not an option.

She does everything within her power to try to get them the help that they need.

She begs. She pleads. She cries. She fights. She prays.

She will tell you that she is weak and can't go on, but that is a lie, because tomorrow, she is going to get up out of her bed and fight the battle for yet another day.

Don't let her rundown and distraught look fool you.

She is much stronger than she appears and stronger than even she knows.

She may need a shoulder to lean on or cry on every now and again.

She may need for someone to pray along with her or for her.

She may need for someone to encourage her and be her friend rather than to judge, blame or shame her.

The truth of the matter is, regardless of what anyone else may think, she is a mother who loves her child no matter what.

Stand tall and stand strong all of you beautiful warriors out there.

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