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A solution for the falls

Published April 28. 2014 08:48AM

Dear Editor,

I've never been one to say, "I told you so." But to all the DCNR personnel and state representatives who I spoke to in the past few years, here I go.

Glen Onoko Falls claims another victim. The falls and the Lehigh River have claimed at least six lives in the past two years. Stupidity not withstanding, there is a solution and a win-win situation lying underneath these tragedies.

Carbon County hosts three spectacular vistas that, properly developed, can attract megabucks to the area. The first one, Bake Oven Knob, can be left alone as it is. The Appalachian Trail needs no further development. Flagstaff Mountain overlook, although private, has never been fully realized for whatever reason. Mind-boggling.

Which leads us to the "Glen." Here's my solution. Let the Pennsylvania Game Commission release control or trade off the Glen Onoko Falls hollow to DCNR. Who in their right mind would hunt in that steep ravine anyway? Have our governor and Legislature bring back the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps, and let them have a go at it, creating steps, switchbacks, railings and lookouts around the falls. The PCC's still on the books till 2020, just bring back the funding.

Place a DCNR ranger station at the Glen parking area near the rafting launch and change houses, and you create a presence that will deter theft of cars, careless hikers and illegal swimming. A professional appearance exudes safety and lawful behavior. Does this sound far-fetched?

I cannot believe other people don't think like me. I'm sure the victims' families would. It's so obvious. Tioga County's Grand Canyon is a prime example of what a treasure like that can do for tourism. Ask the people of Wellsboro. The PCC at Mauch Chunk Lake built that facility along with Ricky Johnson and his crew. Not too shabby, huh? A project like the glen would be "cupcake" compared to some of the projects the PCC accomplished in Carbon County. Wake up, leaders.

In Unity,

Charles Winkler


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