Northern Lehigh Community News
Sesquicentennial Parade
"Seventy-six trombones led the big parade ..." well, maybe there won't be that many, but Slatington's Sesquicentennial Parade is definitely coming, and there will be trombones.
The parade will be held Aug. 16, beginning at noon. It will form at Main and South streets, head down Main Street, continue downtown, and then turn up Center Street, where it will end at Northern Lehigh Middle School.
The parade would like more participants, individuals, groups, floats, fire companies, antique cars, patriotic pets (friendly and leashed), marching groups, and riding groups.
For more information, and to find out how you and/or your group may participate, contact Larry Eckert at 484-661-6108, or
Sesquicentennial Red, White & Blue
It's almost here. Only a few days remain before the nine-day celebration of Slatington's 150th birthday.
What can you do to join in this historic birthday celebration?
If you live along the parade route on Main Street or Center Street especially, you can help by displaying the flag and decorating your home/property with red, white and blue during the festivities.
Even those who don't live along the parade route can join in by decorating to bring greetings to the many visitors to Slatington during this festival occasion.
Slatington Lions Club
The Slatington Lions Club will hold a board meeting at the Skeet Club at 7 p.m. Aug. 13.