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Published August 27. 2014 04:00PM

A History Channel documentary series titled "Ancients Behaving Badly" takes a modern look into some of history's most infamous rulers.

Although they may not be in the class of ruthless leaders like Nero, Caligula and Genghis Khan, we have our share of politically motivated characters behaving badly. Last week, Brian McGinnis, a party chairman in southeastern Pennsylvania, received a second citation for public urination.

He told officers the urination stems from a medical issue, which reminds us of that Seinfeld episode when Jerry is arrested for urinating in a parking garage and then tells police he suffers from "uromysitisis." McGinnis isn't that clever but he does have a record, having been cited for urinating on the courthouse steps in 2005, disorderly conduct in 1998 and 2003, and harassment in 1999.

And then there's Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whose gained a reputation for putting politics first and playing to his base rather then getting some work done in Congress.

In late May, when the U.S. agreed to release the top five senior members of the Taliban leadership from the detention center at Guantanamo Bay for Robert "Bob" Bergdahl, Reid said he was happy that the prisoners were freed and sent to Qatar.

The fact that the U.S. had negotiated and freed enemy leaders while we were still engaged in combat operations was upsetting enough. But then hearing Reid say he was glad to see these criminals roam free was disgusting.

Known for his insensitive remarks, Reid is an equal opportunity name-caller. He once said that seniors love getting junk mail because it's sometimes "their only way of communicating or feeling like they're part of the real world." Reid by the way is 74.

He has also called the Tea Party "terrorists," "fanatics," and "anarchists" who live in a "partisan bubble" and that Republicans are "radical" and beholden to Tea Party "anarchists."

Just last week, Reid managed to first insult NFL Hall of Famer Mike Ditka and then a group of Asians attending a Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce event. After hearing Ditka's criticism of the movement to rename the Washington Redskins, Reid, who has been a vocal proponent of getting the team name changed, said of Ditka: "Maybe he got hit in the head too many times playing football."

At the Las Vegas event, Reid tried to be funny by telling his Asian audience: "I don't think you're smarter than anybody else, but you've convinced a lot of us you are." He later apologized, saying his words were "in extremely poor taste."

Earlier this year, the Congressional Budget Office released a report that suggested almost 2.5 million workers might lose their jobs (or have their hours cut to part-time) in the next few years due to Obamacare. Reid chirped that the individuals who are set to lose their jobs should be happy because they are about to become "free agents" in the economy.

Thankfully, there are some Americans who believe dependable employment is more important in building prosperity than a government-created handout. People who work hard for a living tend to feel better about themselves and their country.

Harry Reid might try doing his own job before belittling those workers who are responsible for keeping the economy moving.

By Jim Zbick

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