Lansford budget problems
Dear Editor,
Lansford Borough council has passed a tentative budget.
It sounds nice, but it is bogus.
Two properties were removed from the no-tax list and are now to be taxed. The value of these properties are around $275,000. Will they be collected? I doubt it.
This year in 2014 to date only around $700,000 was taken in, but next year they expect $900,000 unreal.
By July we will be broke.
On top of that three members of council wanted to raise the sewage transmission rates.
Over $800,000 was taken and placed in the general fund to run the borough with no attempt to pay back.
Also there is a police officer's pension that is not resolved. Why?
There is also around $126,000 owed in back sanitation. But council doesn't want to publish the names.
So ask your council people why? How come?
Tommy J. Vadyak