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Their workis appreciated

Published February 03. 2014 01:08PM

Dear Editor,

We'd like to take the opportunity during these cold and wintery days to acknowledge the hard work of the local workers who are out there throughout the winter.

Hard working crews are out in all weather, all temperatures and at all hours, not just plowing snow but also completing water, sewer and street projects and emergency situations. This work often interrupts the lives of the workers taking them away from family and personal matters.

Included in these underappreciated workers are our police, our unpaid volunteer firefighters, fire police, EMS providers and the garbage, plumbing, heating, construction and other contractors who are working for all of us through this winter.

They serve our community no matter what Mother Nature throws at us. The workers in the Borough of Tamaqua and all of our neighboring communities deserve our thanks, appreciation and understanding.

On behalf of the Borough of Tamaqua, THANK YOU!


Micah Gursky, Tamaqua Council President

Chris Morrison, Tamaqua Mayor

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