A house divided
I hate winter.
I hate the cold.
I hate the icy sidewalks.
I hate having to do a penguin shuffle across my driveway and in the parking lot at work.
I hate the short daytime hours.
I hate the dreary color tones of brown from the lack of life in trees, shrubs and grass.
I hate the icicles hanging from my roof that are getting larger and larger.
I hate looking at my home and not being able to see my front porch (or even get to it because it has turned into another place to throw snow).
I hate standing next to the snow mounds lining the driveway that are taller than me.
I hate the way snow ruins plans.
I hate the feeling that I get that I may just be stuck inside forever because the cold just doesn't seem to want to go away.
And I hate that it seems like every other day this winter, another storm is coming.
But then again, I think 99 percent of people in the Northeast agree with me right now.
The problem is, my husband loves winter and I mean LOVES winter (and everything that comes along with it) so you can only imagine the conversations in our house when we are preparing for a storm.
Even his choice of dog, a Saint Bernard, screams "I love winter!"
He does a happy dance every time an ominous snow forecast is announced. I grumble and tell him I'm going to bury him in the snow.
He prays for a foot of the white, fluffy stuff when meteorologists call for an inch. I roll my eyes and tell him I'm going to make him camp outside just so he can enjoy the snow completely.
He actually enjoys shoveling (as long as there isn't ice mixed in). I help shovel only because I feel obligated.
He wakes up like a kid on Christmas morning when a storm is coming and asks me if it started snowing yet, just because I get up for work before him. I tell him, "I rather not ruin my morning by looking outside or reading an updated forecast."
He listens to weather forecasts every time a storm is coming on the weather radio my aunt and uncle got him. I pretend I'm on the show "The Deadliest Catch" because the radio voice is the same one that is used on weather broadcasts in the show. At least if I was on the show, I would be getting paid to deal with this horrible weather.
Needless to say, our house is divided Bob and our dog Bailey vs. me and our son Logan (as of right now) when it comes to winter.
But we make the best of it.
Maybe one day, I will go over to the dark side of winter lovers, or maybe, just maybe he'll come over to mine.
Until then, he's lucky I love him!