Kindness can light up the darkness
Dear Editor:
I was reading the "Warmest Regards" column by Patti Mihalik from Saturday, Dec. 28. about kindness and it brought to mind some things.
My husband, Richard, is a resident at Mahoning Valley Nursing and Rehab Center. I try to visit each day and also volunteer with the residents on special event days such as: bingo, entertainment, or celebrations as: everyone's birthday for each month, Veterans' Day, Christmas celebrations, and New Year's Eve, and church services.
I give MVN&RC much earned thanks for providing all these special events for the residents.
As I assist residents, I talk to them, and it warms my heart to see smiles on their faces. And as I am walking to my husband, I poke my head in on residents and say, "Hello. How are you today?"
I usually get a smile and sometimes a friendly hug, and I know that this may be the only visit many have on some days.
Without sounding like I'm giving myself a pat on the back - I'm especially thankful to be able to bring a smile to someone - if only for a few minutes, and I know it means so much to them.
Quoting Patti: "I like the small uplifting moment I get from the smiles." "One small act of kindness can light up the darkness for someone."
Barbara Ahner
Resident of Lehighton
Elderly Apartments