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Because I said so

Published July 12. 2014 09:00AM

The sun is shining and the birds are chirping at Mauch Chunk Lake as I sit in the parking lot waiting for people to arrive for Good News Camp.

Good News Camp is a faith-based, weeklong summer day camp that gives children the opportunity to learn about Jesus in a fun, outdoor setting.

My teenager volunteered (or rather was volunteered, by me) to assist with the children at camp for the week.

Because it involves waking up earlier than she had hoped during the summer and because I am sure she would rather be home, in the air conditioning watching TV or on social media, my daughter was a little grumpy and not really feeling the whole camp scene.

In fact, for the past few weeks, she has been keeping me well-informed of her disapproval.

"Why do I have to do this?" she has asked repeatedly.

The following are my top responses:

1. "Because I said so."

OK, now I know this isn't the best way to put it, but I think our kids (and especially teenagers) need to be reminded about parental authority.

While we should be willing to listen to their thoughts and feelings and maybe allow them to plead their case (as long as it is done in a respectful manner), ultimately, it is the parents who should be calling the shots.

2. "Because it is important to volunteer and serve."

I have always tried to instill in my children the importance of giving back and serving others and have done so not only by word, but by example.

Our children need to learn that life isn't always about them and their own desires and that sometimes, we need to put others first.

Volunteering has many benefits; not just to the recipients, but to the volunteers as well.

It can and should be a humbling experience.

It gives us the opportunity to meet and interact with people of all types and is a good networking opportunity.

It gives us the chance to utilize our skills and talents or to learn new ones which could be quite beneficial.

3. "Because you need to fulfill your service hours requirement for graduating and because there are scholarships out there that require more service hours than what is required by your school."

Let's face it, grants and scholarships for college just aren't that easy to come by anymore.

Kids need whatever edge they can grab onto in order to be able to compete for those funds.

Of course, personal gain shouldn't be our only motivation to volunteer but if personal gain comes as an added bonus, I see nothing wrong with that.

4. "Because it is better than sitting inside and wasting the week away."

How envious I am of all the kids who get to be off during the summer.

If I could, I would be outdoors every day, hiking, fishing, swimming, biking or just chillin' on my lounge chair enjoying the sun, the birds and the breeze.

How can a TV and Twitter compare with the beauty of nature?

And finally,

5. "Because I said so."

I had a friend already tell me that they would never force their kids to do something they didn't want to do.

Well, if I took that approach, my children would have never learned to swim, ride a bike, be part of various athletic teams, win a speech competition or know what it felt like to lose in a spelling bee while becoming proficient in speaking publicly.

Nor would they have the cherished memories of those (so far) once-in-a-lifetime experiences that I "forced" them to do.

They would have also missed out on the many, many various activities and events that they now continue to enjoy and will share with their own children some day.

I don't know what the week holds in store for my daughter, but I do know that when we bless others that we also are blessed.

That blessing may not reveal itself this week or this month even, but I do know that at some point, it will be there, and when it is, I will look at my daughter and smile that smile that says, "See, I told you so."

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