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No answers from school board

Published July 12. 2014 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

I have never been at a school board meeting until recently. I can now understand why nobody attends these meetings.

I attended because I wanted answers as to why the Panther Valley School Board was outsourcing the janitors' jobs, and also why our taxes are so high and keep going up. Also, why there weren't any administrative cuts.

Well, needless to say, I came to the wrong place for answers. When I asked a question, I was told by board president Jeff Markovitch that we're not here to debate. I told him I'm not here to debate. I came here for answers. I always thought if you have a question, you go to the source.

Well, not so in Mr. Markovitch's board meetings.

He told me this isn't the Summit Hill borough council meeting, to which I thought that comment was very unprofessional, and that he should render an apology to Summit Hill borough council.

As a taxpayer, I feel I have the right to ask questions and receive answers. But I got nothing but unprofessional comments from the board president.

I feel it was wrong to take the bread and butter off those janitors by telling them they had to take a $3 pay cut when they only make $15 per hour. When you take taxes out of that $12 per hour, it would be very hard to make a living, especially when they keep raising taxes.

I believe they should have negotiated a little better than $3 per hour cut. Losing those jobs will also have an effect on wage tax. That tax will now go to New Jersey.

Panther Valley School District is a very poor school district with a very low tax base to draw from. The majority of the people are senior citizens on a fixed income and cannot afford these massive tax increases.

There are far too many signs on homes throughout this valley that say House for Sale. I believe if the board doesn't start spending within their means, there will be a lot more vacant properties.

I believe the time is coming that Coaldale will be going to Tamaqua, Nesquehoning will be going to Weatherly, and Summit Hill and Lansford will be going to Jim Thorpe. Because you just can't keep going to the senior citizens to support the school.

Thank you,

Joe Kosalko

Summit Hill

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