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PGC to unveil GoHuntPA

Published July 12. 2014 09:00AM

An integrated marketing communications initiative intended to increase hunting participation and awareness in Pennsylvania has been undertaken by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and will be unveiled this fall.

Called GoHuntPA, the PGC hired the Harrisburg-based ad agency Top Flight Media to help develop the campaign. This is the first time that the agency has hired an agency to carry out a strategic communications campaign such as this one.

GoHuntPA is a customer-centric, research-anchored initiative that includes a microsite, TV, radio, print and billboard ads, trade show banners and a video production. Many elements of the campaign will feature Augmented Reality.

All campaign elements will drive hunters to a streamlined, online resource, which is a website for hunters, by hunters. There, hunters will learn more about hunting opportunities near them, what is in season, how to become a better hunter, where to conveniently buy a hunting license and more.

GoHuntPA will address the three main motivations for hunting: hunting for food, hunting with family and friends, and hunting for the peace and serenity that the outdoors provides.

A survey conducted by the PGC uncovered that there are many reasons why hunters lapse and do not renew their license. These reasons include lack of free time, work and family obligations and the perception that there is not enough land to hunt on.

GoHuntPA will help alleviate those concerns and put hunting back on the to-do list of a significant percentage of Pennsylvanians who consider themselves a hunter, but do not go hunting on a regular basis. PGC officials believe that GoHuntPA is one strategy that will help reach its goal of 1,000,000 licensed hunters afield by 2018.


Sunday's edition of "Experience The Outdoors," winner of the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association's best outdoors radio program award hosted by award-winning POWA member Doyle Dietz, at 7 a.m. on 1410-AM WLSH, at 9:30 a.m. on Magic 105.5-FM and on the Web at by clicking the link to the program, features Pennsylvania Game Commission wild turkey biologist Mary Jo Casalena.


First Frontier Militia, the muzzleloader group associated with Bowmanstown Rod and Gun Club, Gun Club Road, located off Route 248, will hold a shoot Sunday, July 13, From 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For information call Ken Milburn at 610-767-6222 or Dave Algard at 610-760-8333.


A 30-target, 3-D hunting course is open daily from dawn to dusk, except Sundays from 1-4 p.m. for trap, at Bear's Head Archery, located off Exit 134, I-81, Delano. For information call the club at 570-467-0331.


Pennsylvania hunting licenses for the current 2014-15 seasons are now on sale, and antlerless applications for state residents will be accepted by county treasurers through the mail beginning Monday, July 14. Non-resident applications will be accepted through the mail beginning Monday, July 28. Beginning Monday, Aug. 4, a second round of applications for residents and non-residents begins through the mail. A third round of applications for residents and non-residents begins Monday, Aug. 18.


Western Pocono Chapter of Trout Unlimited meets Tuesday, July 15, 7 p.m., at the Carbon County Environmental Education Center on Mauch Chunk Lake between Jim Thorpe and Summit Hill. For information call 570-454-4862 or 570-233-0099.


National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association members will compete in the organization's Territorial Shoot, Friday-Sunday, July 18-20, beginning at 8 a.m. each day, at Blue Mountain Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, 22 Muzzle Lane, Bernville. NMLRA memberships are available at the club. For information call Gerry Rubbo at 570-754-2218, Mike Wengert at 610-488-1608 or Jim Ulrich at 717-665-5884.


Cabela's Hamburg is offering its Fly Fishing University course at no cost for those interested in learning how to fly fish, Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20.

Preregistration is required by calling the store's fly shop at 610-929-7000, and the course begins each day with a two-hour "Introduction to Fly Fishing" class from 12:30-2:30 p.m. that covers equipment, basic entomology, basic casting and knot tying. A one-hour "Introduction to Fly Casting" class concludes the course each day from 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Those completing the course will be awarded a complimentary Federation of Fly Fishers membership. For additional information and a complete schedule of upcoming events access the Cabela's Hamburg website at


Ashland Gun Club will hold its annual free youth trap shoot for competitors between the ages of 8-16, Sunday, July 20, at the club grounds, 667 Fountain St., Fountain Springs.

Registration begins at 11 a.m. and the competition is expected to finish no later than 5 p.m. Trophies will be awarded to the overall winners and the top shooters in each of the following age groups: 8-10, 11 and 12, 13 and 14 and 15 and 16.

Shooters are required to furnish their own shotgun, 25-rounds of ammunition and hearing and eye protection. Competitors age 8 and 9 are required to have a spotter on the line behind them.

In addition to the trophy presentations, door prizes will be awarded and food and refreshments are available. For information call 570-875-2094.

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