A winning combination
For this week's recipe I have to give a nod to Times News reporter Amy Miller.
A few years ago I made a couple batches of apple jelly. One batch didn't want to jell and remained rather runny. I had the option of reprocessing it, but after all that work, I really didn't want to bother.
It tasted fine delicious in fact and other than running out the sides of my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, it was good jelly.
I gave Amy a jar and a little while later she told me she had used it on pork chops and sauerkraut that she had cooked in a slow cooker, and they really liked it. I tried it myself the next time I made pork chops, and she was right. It was delicious.
I applied the same idea here, but with a pork roast that we cooked in the oven. The savory, garlicky flavor of the pork works extremely well with the sweet, fruity flavor of the apples.
It's a winning combination for sure.
Pork Roast with
Apple Jelly Glaze
4-6 servings
3- or 4-pound pork roast
4 cloves of garlic
1 package of sauerkraut
Garlic powder
Onion powder
1 10-ounce jar apple jelly
Drain and rinse sauerkraut, squeezing out all of the liquid, then place it in the bottom of a 9-inch by 13-inch baking dish.
Cut several 1-inch-wide and 1-inch-deep slits in the fat side of the pork. Cut the garlic into one-eighth-inch slices and insert each slice into the pork. Season the pork well with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder.
Bake uncovered in a preheated 350 degree oven for 1 hour.
Reduce heat to 325 degrees. Coat top of the roast with the apple jelly every 10 minutes for the next 30-40 minutes or until the pork is cooked and a meat thermometer inserted in the center registers 145 degrees.
Allow the pork to rest for about 10 minutes before cutting into slices.