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It's time for the majority to stand up

Published June 14. 2014 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

Just when you think the town of Lansford can't top their stories about meth labs, they do, with the first gay wedding in the county.

I would like to know what percentage of the population of Carbon County, and the entire country for that matter, is gay. Is it 50 percent, 25 percent or more like 5 percent?

My belief is that it's a lot closer to 5 percent than 50 percent.

In a democracy, which believe it or not this country still is, the majority rules. So why does a story about gay marriage make the front page?

When will the people of Lansford, and the rest of America for that matter, stand up and say enough is enough.

If you are in the gay minority, you are who you are, but shut up about it. It's time that the majority speak up or we can wait for God to start the rain for 40 days and 40 nights.

John Ferguson

Towamensing Township

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