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Thanks for voting no

Published March 15. 2014 09:00AM

Dear Editor,

Congratulations are in order for our Pennsylvania Senators Toomey and Casey for voting NO and channeling the rejection of Debo Adegbile to head the Justice Departments Civil Rights Division.

The insensitivity shown by President Obama in his nomination and callous statements by senators Leahy and Reid after the nomination was neglected, do little to heal the wounds of the Daniel Faulkner family and countless police officers everywhere.

The "legions" of Mumia Abu-Journal supporters, many who are "celebrates" and many who choose to ignore or don't even know the forts of Faulkners murder and conviction, will squirm and complain. But those of us who support what is right will have a small but satisfactory sense of justice.


Frank J. Hall


Former Philadelphia Police Sergeant, who supervised Pol. Daniel Faulkner for some period, in the 6th District

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