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Opinion jumped to conclusions

Published May 17. 2014 09:01AM

To the Editor,

After reading the Opinion column, "Fatal crash" in the May 13 edition of your newspaper, I found myself with two questions.

(1) What valid logic prompted a column with this tone to be written?

(2) What positive thing, if any, did the column accomplish?

My answer to myself as to my first question is this: None.

The column had to have been written less than 24 hours after the accident occurred for it to be published in the same edition of your newspaper as the initial report of the accident. Past experience tells me that "the state police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Specialist Unit" would have barely had time to collect cursory information at the scene by the time the Opinion column was written and going to print. The state police investigators will more than likely take several weeks, and possibly longer, before their investigation is completed and their findings released to the news media. That's because they're thorough and deal with fact and evidence. Proper action will be taken as indicated and transparency will follow in order. As it should be.

My answer to myself as to my second question is this: Again, none. Casting aspersions accomplishes nothing. To openly question the integrity of the police involved on scene in this manner, before the investigation has actually had a chance to properly begin, or those who will become involved as the investigation progresses, is in my opinion, at best, counter productive and at worst, irresponsible.

Clark A. Ritter


PSP - retired

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