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Waste much?

Published May 24. 2014 09:00AM

We have all read stories and reports about how much money our federal, state and local governments waste each year (which I find to be absolutely sickening), but recently I decided to take a look at my own wasteful tendencies.

I really didn't have to look very far.

Starting in my kitchen, I realize that I end up throwing away entirely too much food.

Fresh produce that I had every intention of turning into a healthy meal ends up wilting or rotting and ultimately makes its way to the trash can.

While my intentions are always good, I either don't find the time or am just too darn tired to cook; which then means I end up either ordering or eating out.

Additionally, I have a terrible habit of defrosting meat in the microwave and then getting caught up doing something else in the house, or leaving to run errands and then completely forget about what is sitting in the microwave; until the next day when I go to use it once again.

I have even left meat and other perishables in the car after grocery shopping because I became sidetracked after bringing round one of the bags into the house.

Then of course there are the leftovers that either never found their way into the refrigerator after the last person ate, or the stuff that made it in that no one wants to eat for a second time.

A peek into the cupboard reveals canned goods that I purchased on sale and with a coupon that after two years I realized I didn't really like and will never eat.

But hey, I had a coupon.

As I walk around the house, I see all of the lights and ceiling fans that were left on when no one was in the room or perhaps even home at the time.

Then of course there is the waste of water from those in my household who enjoy 20-45 minute long showers (and swear that they only "just got in") along with the flushing of a single used tissue rather than depositing it into the trash.

While we are on the subject of unnecessary flushing, I really need to find a better way to dispose of stinkbugs; because after all, unlike a spider or other creepy crawler, you can't just squash them in a tissue and then dispose of them in the trash.

OK, I guess you could, but the end result would be most unpleasant.

Another area of water waste in my home (which drives me absolutely insane) is when family members find it necessary to let the water run while brushing their teeth or until it gets cold enough to drink. (Hello! Ice cubes!)

Switching gears now, I would like to note all of the costly toys, gadgets, fad clothing, formal dresses etc. that someone just had to have, that ended up only being used once or twice, and in some cases, not at all.

I remember when hubby wanted to take up the harmonica and my daughter, the violin.

We purchased all sorts of instructional books and videos to go along with them and now they all just take up space and collect dust.

I may even have an old saxophone stashed away somewhere now that I think about it.

I see books that have never been read, CDs, DVDs and VHS tapes that will never again be played in this house; board games, puzzles and various memorabilia and souvenirs from years of vacations that again, someone just had to have, but that have not seen the light of day in years.

As I type this column on my computer, which by the way, I waste entirely too much time on, I look at my chipped gel nails and contemplate whether or not I should go and get them redone at the salon or if I should, instead, grab one of the dozens of bottles of nail polish that I already own and do them myself.

I could go on and on identifying areas of my careless waste, but I don't want to waste your time; you get the picture.

The point is when it comes to wasteful spending and being wasteful in general I, for one, am guilty as charged and even though I know I/we should be more conscientious, the truth of the matter is that it is very easy to be careless and wasteful when you think you can afford to do so.

The problem is that it becomes a way of life for all of us, (our government included) and when you don't have to go without, you don't tend to think about going without and that is some dangerous thinking.

Whether it is money or natural resources, food, opportunities or even time, all of us from the pauper to the president, need to take a look at all of our wasteful tendencies and start making changes.

Nothing is guaranteed and nothing lasts forever.

Those two facts are becoming more and more apparent every single day.

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