America is undergoing a transformation
How many countries do we have in the land of the free (loader) and the home of the brave (new world)? Perhaps the answer is two, maybe four or even more. Our country seems to be divided by very silly things like skin color, gender, religion vs. no religion, politics, finances and even trumped-up classes.
Our president had promised to fundamentally transform the USA to make us like all other systems in the world. After all, we are not an exceptional country. We have an EPA gone wild with disinformation about global warming and green earth policies (look up U.N. Agenda 21). If we don't think a strong defense (the primary reason for our union) is necessary, we will be faced with a very probable blackened earth and unimaginable air and water pollution!
Obama says he is the fourth-best president after Lincoln, FDR and LBJ. He forgot to add Julius Caesar, whose method of winning was to divide and conquer. Obama has certainly done that.
If Obama had been a Russian plant, he could not have done more to weaken our country and create a fully dependent state. As he works against employers, fewer people work. More collect government funds (from other people's hard-earned income). This causes a quid pro quo situation where the unemployed essentially become indentured servants doing the will of those in power. This situation also causes inflation (devalued currency) which hurts those on fixed incomes as well as future generations.
Our elected government over the past 60 to 70 years has had a policy of built-in inflation of 2 percent per year.
Currently the Federal Reserve has held interest rates artificially down while our national debt has skyrocketed, heading toward 18 trillion dollars. To pay off this debt over 10 years, our cost would be $6,000 a second, every second.
This president had proposed paying $500 billion over 10 years. That is $50 billion a year. Fifty billion would cover about eight days of debt. For the past 30 years we have tried to get China to devalue their currency but they wisely refused to do so. Economically, they are better capitalists than we are.
We are in the midst of revolution; that is, we are fundamentally transforming America. The USA has become minocracy where the rights and opinions of the majority are being ignored! The undereducated are beginning to rule as occurred in Lenin's time in Russia (we know how that turned out).
We need to wise-up and control our spending and stop illegals from entering this country and costing the economy. After all, there are no more golden eggs. The golden goose is sick unto death.
Walt Fagan
Jim Thorpe