Mental health the cause
As a U. S. citizen, alleged sniper Eric Frein has a right to carry a gun.
But he doesn't have a right to lurk in the woods and murder a state policeman.
There's been more debate about gun control since the latest tragedy.
If Frein is responsible for the death of a cop and critical injury of another, then he alone is to blame.
If he's the culprit, as many believe, he and his mental condition are the cause of the tragedy - not the gun.
We have a mental health crisis that needs attention, and that should be our logical response.
When a drunk motorist careens onto the sidewalk and kills two pedestrians, we don't blame the car. We don't react by trying to limit cars.
The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, murdered innocent people by using the U. S. post office and its mail delivery system.
But we didn't try to limit mail deliveries.
Not long ago, two deranged bombers at the Boston Marathon killed and maimed by using kitchen pressure cookers.
But there was no resulting campaign to regulate the sale of kitchenware.
Yet when someone kills using a gun, people seem to blame the gun and call for a ban.
On the heels of the Sandy Hook killings, the government tried and failed to introduce new gun control measures.
The provision failed because the intent seemed to be more about control than guns.
Gun control is based on a fallacy. It makes a false assumption that criminals obey the law.
Gun control tries to imagine a world where guns disappear simply because they're termed "illegal."
If only things were so simple.
Yes, a gun is a weapon. But it's also protection.
A gun ban is a misguided reaction to take away protection.
A gun ban is the theory that it is morally superior to position yourself to be a victim rather than take up arms to protect yourself and your family.
Gun ownership is codified in the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
It's as basic in wisdom as the essential, sensible separation of church and state.
In reality, guns held in the possession of licensed, responsible citizens is the best crime deterrent there is.
In fact, at this very moment, 1,000 policemen are scouring the woods and hunting for Frein. All of them are carrying guns.
The biggest deterrent to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
And the best way to address a mental health issue is to first recognize we have one.