Disney North or Hollywood?
Dear Editor,
As I drive up North Walnut Street, I feel I am in Epcot of Disney World as they are filming a war movie. Next, we pass the castle at 125 S. Walnut St. Housed inside we have code enforcement, who should be hired by Burger King to park cars or clean restrooms.
Speaking of restrooms, does everyone know how bad the sewer plant really is? Chairman Streets of the sewer committee does not have a five-year plan to restore the ailing plant. In fact, he does not even have a five-day plan!
I cannot get final figures of balance finances for the year 2013. What is the borough hiding? No financial report of the bike night held last year, let alone this year. Remember, you are handling public funds! There are no equipped emergency shelters in Slatington. Everyone is on their own.
Speaking of financial reports, no report exists from the borough's 150th celebration, yet the borough crew worked overtime. Again, public funds involved.
Back at the February council meeting I presented over 100 properties with violations, and as of now, only two are corrected.
At the March council meeting, then President Stevens said a complaint is generated only when a form is filled out. Well, I might have used the complaint form in the men's room. I will continue to report to the newspaper about our negative council. Go to a council meeting and see Judge Judy in action. This town will not go forward until the seven dancers on council are gone, as they continue to sidestep all issues. Next year's Academy Awards should be held in Slatington.
The firemen do a good job in presenting the annual carnival. But the carnival comes and goes, leaving the clowns behind. The people of Slatington are not required to recycle as their program generates no revenue. The council keeps the same auditors each year, who are paid in excess. New auditors might uncover a few charming figures. I continue uptown to Disney's T-shirt shop, however, I found it closed. Too bad, I wanted to buy one of the franchises.
Yeah right! But I am an American!
Mr. Ziegler thanked the council for having Jack Jones' property cleaned up. Hey, Mr. Ziegler, what about the props in the war zone being filmed on Walnut Street?
Ron Scheffler