Another eyesore in the neighborhood
Dear Editor,
It's been almost five months since a fire at a vacant house at 336 W. Snyder Ave. in Lansford. Till this day nothing has been done to the house. I'm sure the borough of Lansford has an ordinance to have this house either fixed up or torn down. What's taking them so long? If there is an ordinance, where is the borough code officer? I look at this property almost every day.
I would also like to know what the cause of the fire was. They say it is under investigation by a state police fire marshal. I would also like to know when the investigation is over.
How come the public is not told what the findings are so that, if it was arson, if there are any vacant houses in their section of town, they could keep an eye on them.
By the way, there are two vacant houses in the 300 block of West Front Street. One has a garage that is falling in. This is a safety hazard because it could fall on the street and hurt someone.
I would also like to know why the property at 310 W. Front St. was not cleaned up. I filed various complaints with the borough. What do I have to do to get this property fixed up? Do I have to get a lawyer or sue the borough? Just my thoughts.
Thank you
Robert Benek