What ever happened to pride and respect?
Dear Editor,
There's a parade Nov. 9.
When I was growing up we'd have competitions to see who would be in the parades no matter which one (Veterans Day Memorial Day or any other parade). Our parents would make sure we got there.
Schools used to be proud to be in parades. People used to crowd the sidewalk and put their kids on their shoulders so they could see.
Veterans used to be proud to join veteran organizations. There they could get together with others who had similar exploits and talk to someone who has been there and done that.
Nowadays, the number of veterans in organizations is growing smaller. New veterans aren't joining. No one is marching unless they get something. Whatever happened to doing a fundraiser? They do fundraisers for anything else. Now a band wants $300 or $500 just to show up for an hour or so.
People don't come out to watch or cheer anymore. It's getting to be a real shame that this is going on. No more pride, no more respect, and honor for the veterans that kept this country free is on its way out.
Some organizations even pay dues for one year for new members, and after a year they don't see them again.
I remain
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski