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Tribute to grandparents

Published September 06. 2014 09:00AM


Grammy wore an apron, gray hair neatly permed.

When I sat on her lap,

I never squirmed.

She made the best, softest sugar cookies,

Days spent with her were treasured goodies.

Pappy taught me how to pick a fishworm,

I watched him tie flies with knots so firm.

If his baseball team lost, oh what a fuss!

It was through him I learned how to cuss.

Mammy's apron wiped many a scratch and tear,

She rocked me and tickled me, kept me near.

No request I made was too large or small,

My dear grandmother's love, saw to it all.

Pappy wore suspenders and a fedora,

A handsome fellow, and I adored him.

He made a bat so I could hit the ball,

In my eyes he was at least 10 feet tall.

My memories are all priceless treasures,

Their presence in my life ... beyond measures.

I learned their pearls of wisdom at their knees,

There couldn't be finer role models than these.

Grandparents love unconditionally,

That's their DNA, traditionally.

If someday a grandparent I may be,

I'll try to be all that they were to me.

Over the years, I have often written about my grandparents. I was especially blessed to have had all four in my life into my adult years.

Sunday, Sept. 7, is Grandparents' Day. If you are lucky enough to have a grandparent or grandparents still living, please let them know how very much they are loved and appreciated.

If they are no longer living, honor them by remembering them, talk about them, look at old pictures. Be grateful for the memories.

I think it's kind of funny, but when I recall my grandparents, they always seemed old to me. My grandmothers didn't dye their hair and they spent their time either cleaning the house, sewing or crocheting, and both liked sitting in their rocking chairs. My grandfathers liked to fish and take naps.

Such a far cry from the grandparents of today!

Today grandparents appear much younger and are so much more active.

My best friend Connie has two granddaughters and a grandson on the way. She works out in the gym almost daily. She bikes and kayaks, quilts and is always up for any kind of activity. When she babysits a few days a week, she is probably the most interactive Grannie I know. And she looks like she's only 39.

I even know some grandfathers who baby-sit their grandchildren. I see them proudly pushing strollers and even changing diapers.

But young or old grandparents, they just love their grandchildren so much. And they always have such wonderful grandparent stories to share.

I leave you with this gem from my friend Stephanie's granddaughter, Stephie Claire. Stephie Claire came home from her first day of kindergarten last week. Her mother asked her how her day was.

"Exhausting!" said Stephie Claire.

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