Just saying ...
Sometimes I'm a bad girl.
I did a terrible thing last night.
I "shushed" Harry.
And I did it in a mean way.
My favorite TV program, "The Big Bang Theory" was making its new season debut. I had made it home in time from a meeting, snuggled comfortably in my chair, and then Harry's mouth began going a mile a minute. I finally turned to him and said, (prepare yourself to gasp) "I'm either going to have to videotape this or you have to stop talking." Imagine my surprise that I hurt his feelings.
I'm just saying, I might not be perfect. I might have a few issues. One of them is ... my husband should be my number one priority at all times. Even over "The Big Bang Theory." So of course I felt guilty when I put my need to laugh over my husband's need to tell me ... nope ... I can't remember a thing he said last night.
You see, when I watch a program or a movie, to me every bit of the dialogue is important or why else would it have been written?
I tried apologizing, but I didn't put my whole heart and soul into it until after the show was over. (Do I hear more gasps?)
OK. I'm not perfect. But neither is he. He does have some faults.
Like I can just finish cleaning the bathroom and he washes his hands or face and there's water everywhere, like he did a cannonball in the sink!
He never gives me any suggestions on what to make for dinner. His answer is, "Whatever you make is always delicious." Now, ladies, don't you just hate that?
Hmm. OK. Maybe I'm married to a saint. Maybe I need to work on my listening skills.
But it was "The Big Bang Theory!" for gosh sakes!
Last night's episode on "The Big Bang Theory" was about how girlfriends talk about each other behind their backs.
I had a problem with Amy doing that to Bernadette and Penny, her best friends.
If they were truly her friends, why would she say hurtful things about them?
I recently received an email about girlfriends. It made me realize how much I value the very important gals in my life.
I like hanging out with friends who can make me ...
• laugh so hard I pee in my pants.
• laugh so hard I snort Coca-Cola out my nose.
• feel loved even though I don't wear a size 6.
• feel better after I share all my woes.
• appreciate them even if I disagree with them.
Because, as some wise woman once said, "I am only as strong as the coffee (or cola) I drink, the hairspray I use, and the friends I have."
Just saying ...
Thanks to an email I received I found out why women feel good about being women:
• We get to go first on a sinking ship. (But girls, then the sharks will get us first!)
• We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. (But girls, admit you'd rather not have those disorders in the first place.)
• We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. (But girls, admit it's really nice being held in that frog's arms in a slow dance.)
• No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival the Speedo. (But girls, we don't have to look. Just saying.)
• If we forget to shave, no one has to know. (But girls, think how embarrassed we would be if we're rushed to the emergency room and lying there unconscious while the medical team has to remove our slacks and have to be revived when they think they have bigfoot on the gurney.
• We can congratulate a teammate without ever touching her rear end. (But girls, don't forget, we do like to go to the bathroom in herds.)
• We have the ability to dress ourselves. (But girls, admit it's better to do it than have him show up in a striped shirt with plaid pants. Been there. Had to poke my eyeballs out afterward.)
• If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot. (But girls, then after we cattily call her cougar, we have to wipe the jealous look off our faces.)
• There are times when chocolate really can solve all our problems. (And wine. Don't forget wine. But girls, just remember, if we indulge in either one too much, we'll regret it in the morning. And wonder what's wrong with the bathroom scale.)
• We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway. (And girls, we can take advantage of that ability of theirs to tell them about overdrawing the bank account, putting a dent in the car, buying a new outfit that was "on sale," so when they finally learn about these kinds of incidents, you can honestly say, "But I told you!" in righteous indignation.)
Just saying ...