Learn to work with other side
To the Editor,
I am neither Republican or Democratic. I am Independent.
I don't believe Hillary can win in 2016. I think Democrats need a better candidate. I think Ringling Bros. Circus is looking for clowns. I'd like to suggest Ted Cruz (close Gov.) and Rand Paul (too much like father) and Donald Trump, the biggest clown of them all.
This country made a mistake giving one party full control of Congress. To begin with, Congress needs people who want to work and improve this country. Not a bunch of idiots who cry when they don't get their way. We need more people who care about this country more than getting re-elected. Wake up, people! Think! Forget parties work for the country. Learn to work with the other side. Stop trying to please everyone of the party, think about your country for a change.
Now Yemen is going down; all we do is talk when people need help.
I Remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill