Take a stand
Take a stand
I think it’s time to take a stand against our elected officials who seem to lose site of the fact that they were elected to do the bidding of the people.
Being an actual small-business owner (I believe that these lines should be redrawn, because a small business should be held as a business that has 10 or fewer employees and gross revenue under $500K) a tax hike that our governor is proposing will substantially hurt my business.
As an operating business, commercial costs are already higher across the board. Utilities are higher as well as general services. There are premiums imposed over the simple fact that it is for a business. Taxes imposed between a business’ exchange of services and products mean that the end cost has to be raised for the end consumer. Consumers who at large are already struggling to get by. Sales drop and the SMALL business goes out of business, which then raises a deficit in the tax being collected … hence, more tax increases.
I would be happy with a sales tax increase in which out of state visitors are helping to pay the needs of the local community, but on the flip side a reduction of the property tax or state income tax. That way the local community is not hurt even more.
Prosperous small business means more local jobs and income. Fair salaries are paid by the small business. Big conglomerates drive down the wages of many employees because of the peoples lack of job opportunities.
What we need is government that once again works for us instead of controlling us. I believe that we live in a great country of opportunity, but the opportunity is dwindling with our current government status that feels it has to provide everything for us instead of putting it back on the hard working individuals that truly made this country great in the first place.
The People!
A local Monroe county small business,
Neil Pysher