Two candidates say what they really think
Dear Editor,
Let's face it, folks, we've got a bunch of phonies running for office. They more than likely won't get elected, but I see only two that let you know you what they think, Chris Christie and Donald Trump.
All the others tell you what they think you want to hear. I'm only saying it's refreshing to hear what he believes.
I thank them for bringing some fresh air to the race. I'm not of their party, but don't you think that it's about time we had someone who let you know where he or she stands?
Too many politicians are just phonies and full of garbage. Not to mention everyone knows it. You don't have to agree with them, just enjoy the difference, then go pick your choice.
P.S. Anyone in my opinion who serves his nation is a hero. War or not. He or she swears to honor and defend.
I Remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill