Enjoy the real magic in life
We are bombarded by so many events in our lives that it is a wonder we are able to function. Because of all this continual stimulation that is magnified by the frenetic pace of today's society, one wonders how we cope with this never-ending stream of information.
What's worse is we do not appreciate what we have in front of us sometimes until it is gone. For me June seems to be the one month of the year that traditionally has been a month of transition and in some cases loss.
This month has been bittersweet for most of my adult life. A quarter century ago this past Sunday was the loss of my grandmother who was so close to me. As I got older I appreciated her counsel and advice on my young life.
I have been grateful that as she left this earth and its physical nature behind, I was able to be there. It was heartbreaking to watch her leave us, but it was also the best closure one could have to be able to say goodbye. Most of us are not blessed with that special gift as our loved ones do not always leave with their families by their side. Fortunately we were able to say goodbye to my Nana as she left us to be with her family in heaven or paradise or whatever you view is beyond this plane.
Ten years before her passing my paternal grandfather passed away. While he was the first grandparent to leave my life, I realized he was ill with black lung and suffered for many years before he passed.
By today's standards, he was young, but by the standards of our shared heritage, my grandfather was lucky to have lived to 73. We cannot appreciate what life was like in this valley before most of us were born, but our parents and those with grandparents are probably lucky enough to remember and share. Life was hard. Really hard.
We are spoiled by today's materialism, me included. We want for nothing. My grandparents would shake their heads if they saw how we waste money on frivolities we convince ourselves are necessary. With every generation that passes, the sense of scarcity and fear of the unthinkable fade into distant tales of the "good ol' days."
We pretend and deceive ourselves that the past will not repeat itself, but time and again we discover we are wrong. Time is a cruel taskmaster, and it will teach us repeatedly if we do not learn our lessons.
They say age brings wisdom, and I'm by no means old enough to claim the mantle of wisdom. I have decades to live through before I could even pretend to claim that prize, but I do know one thing. As a child growing up in Panther Valley for the most part, my life was not so bad.
Realistically most of us did fine. Many of us had what we needed as we grew up here and our parents were dedicated to helping us do better than they did. I owe my mom and dad everything for being the man I am today.
For better or for worse, I became an adult and I made it to today to be a father myself, thanks to the work and sacrifices they made for my brother and me. There were twists and turns along the way, and at least one or two lucky twists of fate that saved my life and allowed me to find my wife, Katie, and to be a daddy to my daughter Kathryn, and for that I'm grateful.
I did not make it to this juncture in my life on my own. My wife, my parents, my friends and my grandparents and aunt and uncle played a paramount role in shaping my life and who I am now. It is sad that while most of our root system is part of our life, we lose the deepest roots as we reach maturity.
I am blessed to have known my grandparents for almost 30 years before they left my life. I am deeply blessed and lucky to still have my parents. I drive them crazy sometimes, but I know when the chips are down they are beside me.
I am also extremely lucky to have met my soulmate, Katie. She has helped me through some rough times and is never afraid to tell me the truth about things or to keep my ego in check, and I am blessed for that gift. Finally my daughter Kathryn has also taught me so much about the joys of life and learning. To watch my little girl as she grows each day and develops new skills and blossoms as a wonderful student and team player is a blessing that I cherish each day.
I think the circle of life is a special idea. We grow as youngsters learning and absorbing as we mature. We do not realize how special youth is until it is a memory and we become the parents and nurture our own youngsters. We learn after the fact how important the things are we take for granted in our youth our health, our free time and our family. We try to impress these life lessons on deaf ears that open when they mature. And the cycle repeats when our children mature and continues as it has before us.
This is the real magic in our lives. I can write about ghosts and goblins, magicians and magic tricks, con men and dumb politicians and the deceptions in our lives and point out the trickery and magic that exists in those areas, but the highest, most beautiful magic is the bonds that tie us one to another.
There is no stronger magic than those relationships. They are special and when that love exists it transcends everything including the grave. Don't ever let that magic go or life will lose its spark. Relationships and the ties that bind are the real magic.
Till next time …