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Great potato salad comes down to how you season it

  • 20150624-133014-pic-59570963.jpg
    This June 1, 2015 photo in Condord, N.H., shows potato salad made with basil mayonnaise and seasoned with vinegar and salt. (AP Photo/Matthew Mead)
Published June 24. 2015 04:00PM

I'm not a fan of potato salad that tastes like a bunch of spuds smothered in mayo. I want more. At the very least, I want to taste the potatoes. Trouble is, potatoes are pretty bland if not properly seasoned. They also need to be seasoned at the right moment during the cooking process. Here's how to make that happen.

To start, be sure that the water in which you boil the potatoes is well salted. The potatoes will absorb the salt as they cook. When they're done, you won't taste the salt, but the potatoes will start to come alive.

Use white (boiling) potatoes. They do a better job of holding their shape. Baking potatoes, such as russets, will fall apart.

Pull the potatoes out of the water as soon as they're tender. This will keep them from overcooking and falling apart. Toss them right away, while they're still hot, with a mixture of vinegar and more salt. The potatoes will absorb much of the mixture within 15 minutes, and be even more deeply flavored than before. The vinegar, like the salt, helps to enhance their natural flavors.

You can prepare the basil mayo while the potatoes are marinating. Normally, I recommend treating all fresh herbs very gently. If you use a very sharp knife and chop the herbs briefly, you can prevent them from turning into a bruised, wet mess.

For this recipe, I want you to pack the fresh basil into a blender with the mayo and pulverize it. All of the basil flavor and juices will go right into the mayo, making it taste like the essence of summer.

One last note: When you toss the potatoes with the dressing, the potatoes may absorb all of the dressing at once, and you may need to add a little water to keep the sauce creamy. I had different results with different potatoes; some absorbed all the dressing, some did not.

Finally, if you and your guests don't somehow consume the whole batch the first time you serve it, this potato salad makes for great leftovers. Just add a little more water, if necessary, to be sure it is moist.

Potato Salad with Basil Mayonnaise

Start to finish: 50 minutes (30 minutes active)

Servings: 4

1 1/2 pounds medium white potatoes, sliced -inch thick, preferably using a mandoline

1/4 cup white wine vinegar

1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, plus extra for salting the potato cooking water

1 cup packed fresh basil leaves

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 teaspoon grated lemon zest

Ground black pepper

1/2 cup minced shallots

In a medium saucepan, combine the potatoes with enough cold salted water to cover by 2 inches. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook just until tender, 5 to 7 minutes.

Meanwhile in a large bowl, whisk together the vinegar and the 1 1/2 teaspoons salt until the salt is dissolved. When the potatoes are done, drain them well and immediately add them to the vinegar mixture. Toss the potatoes well with the vinegar mixture, then let cool to room temperature, stirring often, about 30 minutes.

In a blender combine the basil, mayonnaise, lemon zest and a hefty pinch of pepper. Purée until smooth. Once the potatoes have cooled, add the mayonnaise mixture to the potatoes along with the shallots and toss well.

If the potato salad seems dry, stir in some cold water and toss again.

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