Remove Southern flag
Dear Editor,
I do not understand why it is taking so long to remove the Confederate flag from South Carolina's state capitol. The flag represents one thing only: slavery.
This is not what I think or believe, it's a fact. If there was no slavery, no Civil War, which means no Confederate flag. Pretty simple, right?
Some southerners claim it is their heritage. Really? Your heritage is to enslave, beat and hang black people from trees?
What scares me is what are these southerners who claim the Confederate flag is their heritage teaching their children?
The Confederate flag has not been flying since the Civil War (1861-1865) at the South Carolina capitol; it's been flying since 1961 or 1962. About the same time the national civil rights movement started. It was flown to make a statement at that time. And not in support of the civil rights movement. Lynyrd Skynyrd said it best. "Southern man don't need you around."
Thank you
Dale Keifer