Good luck we're gonna need it
Dear Editor,
Na Strovia is a toast from Russia meaning good luck.
We would be well-advised to know the language. Our nation has been moving in the direction of the communist countries for over a century. We have slipped and tripped through several socialist-leaning administrations.
There have been those who took state land and made it federal why? Along came "one world" Wilson, then the totally ineffective Hoover who was followed by the "king" FDR, who wanted to stack the Supreme Court by increasing its number from nine judges to 12.
This didn't work, but he did stack the court by appointing eight of nine over his four terms. The court's decisions have leaned to the left ever since and changed the more conservative meaning of our Constitution. The fathers of our Constitution were not communists, socialists, marxists, progressives or liberals. They had ideas which never before existed in the world. Our fathers were plainspoken and did not write the Constitution in code to be interpreted with a changed meaning.
Along came a man whose ideas and words were contrary to the views of others. JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." He was assassinated by a marxist and replaced by the socialist leaning LBJ with his "Great Society." We have had socialist and other un-American presidents but never before have we had an anti-American president as we do now.
The immigration issue is unquestionably anti-american as well as unconstitutional. Obama's stance toward the violent, radical Muslims is a very big question mark is this anti-American? He exchanged five vicious terrorist Taliban generals for one American deserter! He gave $20 billion to Brazil for their offshore oil drilling while limiting drilling at home. Obama is not a stupid man; he knows exactly what he is doing and he promised to transform America. We see this happening now!
Remember the words of his first White House spokeswoman, Anita Dunn, as she spoke at Georgetown University: "My favorite politicians are Mother Teresa and Mao Zedong." Mother Teresa was of a religious order and is now a saint. Mao was the leader of the Chinese Communists who murdered millions of people.
Remember the words of the handpicked Jonathan Gruber, professor at MIT, who Obama lauded as the supremely intelligent chief composer of Obamacare. Gruber said it would be accepted because of the "stupidity" of the American voter (he was obviously not talking about those who voted against it). My worry is that are still 40 to 45 percent of the people in this country who prove that he is right.
Those few people in our government who want the Constitution to be followed are maligned and made fun of by the propagandists and disinformationalists. Those are the radicals who feel socialism is really progress. Look in the rearview mirror to see how well socialism has worked.
When did the party of JFK become the party of Alinsky and Marx?
Compromise has slowly and then more rapidly moved our governance toward socialism. When did the Good Old Boy party change its logo from the elephant to the rhinoceros?
Na Strovia, Comrades!
Walt Fagan
Jim Thorpe