On losing penny power
I watched as young kids tossed something into the street.
I couldn't see what it was because they were walking a half block ahead of me. But I was certain I saw them throw something with disrespect.
When I'd reached the intersection, I looked down and scanned the area. I spotted it right away. Pennies. They had tossed a fistful of pennies into the gutter, as if the coins were worthless. It's happening more and more. I'm sure you've noticed it. Pennies are everywhere. Kids are discarding copper cents, and that's why the rest of us are finding so many "lost" pennies.
It made me think about how times have changed. Up until now, coins were never something to be thrown away. A person who lived through the Great Depression would never think about tossing a penny into the street. Likewise, a penny was precious to the Greatest Generation and even to children of the 1950s and '60s. Money was tight. A penny had value.
A penny could buy a piece of candy and what kid doesn't want candy?
Today, older folks will still stop and stoop down to pick up a penny. Finding a penny is special. See a penny and pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck.
Maybe some kids today don't need that kind of luck. They can't identify with a penny. To them, it has no value. It's something to be discarded. To them, pennies are a bother.
So it's easy to see the future of the penny is in jeopardy.
Many want to eliminate production of the penny, partly because it's become inefficient to make. It costs the government nearly two cents to produce one penny.
So if some get their wish, the penny will cease to exist. Instead, the nickel will become the coin of lowest denomination.
But I hope it doesn't happen. I think it'd be a shame to see the penny disappear. Pennies are part of our lives and a significant part of our culture.
How can we turn our backs on good ol' Abe? Things just wouldn't be the same.
It gave me some crazy ideas.
If the penny were gone, would we change the expression to "A nickel for your thoughts?"
Would we twist famous words of wisdom to "A nickel saved is a nickel earned?"
People would be accused of being "nickel-wise but pound-foolish."
Everyone knows the term penny candy. But what, exactly, is nickel candy?
The Beatles sang about Penny Lane. Would the song be the same as Nickel Lane?
What about children's literature? Would Chicken Little say the sky is falling if he runs into a friend named Henny Nickel?
No, of course not. It's Henny Penny. The penny makes "cents" and nobody should ever throw it into the gutter.
Before continuing on my walk, I bent down and picked up the coins. Five pennies. That makes a nickel.
I wonder if those kids would toss away a nickel the same way they toss away five pennies?
They're throwing away their money. They think loose change is worthless.
I hope those kids discover the gift of appreciation.
I hope the youngsters learn to value a penny. Actually, I hope they learn to value everything.
Life can be much more enriching when we develop a sense of appreciation.
And it doesn't even cost a penny to do it.