The positive side of faith
Joseph, I used your letter, "The plain truth about the Resurrection," to the editor of the Times News on March 21 for our adult Sunday school discussion on March 22.
We too, cringe at the thought of all the damage inflicted throughout history by wars fought in the name of a religion. We strive for the same things we think you value peace and love for our neighbors.
We feel that Jesus did not want "religion," which he considers man-made. Our faith is thought to be offered to each of us freely, and more through the heart than the brain.
All the destruction you mention in your letter we feel is rooted in man's love of power and material things.
Religious beliefs are used as an excuse sounds better than, "Hey, I want more power and money."
Not that they do not feel some religious fervor via their childhood indoctrination.
God does not control us. He gives us free choice. And our choices, good or bad, have consequences. If we would follow God's example of love (Jesus), this place and existence would be much nicer.
In fact, the pastor on Sunday prayed, "... that peace and love will be objects by which we measure actions in our culture."
We don't have photographs of Jesus, Marco Polo or William Shakespeare, but we "know" they existed from the many written references that were made about their lives.
We agree that evolution is a definite gradual force, but know that God created it along with everything else he created.
Faith to us is not "stupid."
In fact, it could be the most important accoutrement we have to live meaningful lives, full of love and hope. And where else have we received a solid code of ethics?
God is definitely not a "pernicious delusion," but the source of all good things. But we humans and our decisions are not perfect.
Some Sunday morning join us for some friendly discussion at 9:30 a.m. We can agree or disagree and can learn from each other, too. The church number is 570-992-0158 leave a message if the secretary is not there.
Best wishes,
Jeff Wartluft