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Published May 02. 2015 09:00AM

I have been after Harry for years to go to an eye doctor. But he seems to have an allergic reaction to the word "doctor." So he continues to buy his glasses at Rite Aid or Walmart.

I admit he appears to have 20/20 vision for distance. We can be driving along and he'll see a speck in a field that might be a deer and he'll say, "There's a tick on that deer."

In other words, he only needs glasses for reading and close-up work. While that may be just fine, I'm so tired of hearing, "Where are my glasses?"

My dad had the same issue. He solved it by having a pair of reading glasses in every room in the house, including the bathroom.

Harry has a few pairs. But one pair has no nose guards and digs in his nose. Another pair is so scratched he can't see out of them. So he has one "good" pair that he likes. When he can find them.

OK, so it's hard for me to commiserate since I have to wear glasses every moment I'm awake. I know where they are at all times!

During our recent remodeling job, he just about drove me nuts with "Where are my glasses?" He needed them to read measurements, read the level, and any and all close-up work, but as soon as he measured something, he'd lay them down. Five minutes later, "Where are my @#%* glasses?"

I have been trying to get him to wear them on a lanyard around his neck.

"That looks stupid" or "They'd just get in my way," are a couple of his excuses.

He finally took my advice, believe it or not, and while working in the room last week, he was never once searching for his glasses because they were around his neck at all times. The hammer, screwdriver and measuring tape … another story. Oy vey.

So anyway, Harry and I were in Lowe's (our new best friend through our recent remodeling job) one day last week. He wanted to read the label on a paint can and pulled out his glasses.

"I don't know what's going on, but there's something wrong with my eyes," he said.

We went on to the next item on our list and he put on his glasses again. Trying to read the label, again he said, "I can't read this."

By the third item and the comment, "There's something wrong with my eyes," I couldn't resist and said, "Well, I wouldn't go to an eye doctor to find out what could possibly be wrong."

Mr. Die Hard would rather believe there was something wrong with the glasses than his eyes, so he took off the glasses and stared at them. I think we both saw the problem at the same time.

"Hmmm. Maybe this is what's wrong," he said, looking pretty relieved.

One of the lenses had popped out. We looked at each other and both of us burst out laughing!

Ahhh. That all our problems could be so easily explained or solved.

We take so much for granted. Like the gift of sight. Or hearing. Being able to find humor in everyday things and having someone to share a laugh with. A Harry. A Becky. A family. Friends. To me these are blessings. Sometimes I don't appreciate them like I should.

Music is another blessing in my life. I'm always amazed how it touches my soul. I am in awe of the talented people who can arrange musical notes or write lyrics for a song that can express volumes.

A couple of weeks ago, Randy Cramer, (a blessing) invited a few of his friends, Wayne Johnston, Hailee Johnston and Sy Kipp, from the Johnston Band to help with our alternative worship service at St. Matthew's UCC. They sang a song that expresses so much of what blessings are. The words and melody touched me so deeply. If you have access to a computer, look up "Thank you Lord for Your Blessings on Me" by the Gaithers and listen to it. For those of you who don't, here are at least the words to the song.

"While the world looks upon me,

As I struggle along,

And they say I have nothing,

But they are so wrong,

In my heart I'm rejoicing,

How I wish they could see,

Thank you Lord for Your blessings on me.

Chorus: There's a roof up above me,

And I've a good place to sleep,

There's food on my table,

And shoes on my feet,

You gave me Your love Lord,

And a fine family,

Thank you Lord for Your blessings on me.

Second verse: I know I'm not wealthy,

And these clothes are not new,

And I don't have much money,

But Lord I have you.

And to me that's all that matters,

Though the world may not see,

Thank you Lord for your blessings on me."

May we all thank the Lord for all the blessings we receive.

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