Senseless killing of eagle
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my sadness when I read of the senseless killing of the bald eagle near Andreas. Seeing this beautiful creature perched high atop the trees during my daily commute on Route 895 brought me such joy.
I felt honored just to be in the presence of our national symbol of freedom. I had hoped this eagle would have theopportunity to breed and reproduce so I and other local residents could enjoythe majestic beauty of these birds of prey for generations to come.
That opportunity has been taken away by a senseless, selfish act of cruelty. The bald eagle has been a symbol of enduring freedom and old-fashioned American values for generations.
The person who shot and killed this eagle has anobvious disregard for these values. I hope anyone with any knowledge of who has committed this crime has the courage to come forward and share this information with authorities.
I feel I share the sentiment of many localresidents when I say the person responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Lee Ann Phillips