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Only time will tell if prophecy is true

Published May 09. 2015 09:00AM

What do Nostradamus, the planets and May 28, 2015, have in common? They are the latest actors in a little prophetic drama that may cause a great cataclysm in a few short weeks around the Pacific Rim, according to some prognosticators.

According to an article I found on the website "Before It's News" (, a Dutch researcher named Frank Hoogerbeets has used a combination of a Nostradamus quatrain and a numerological study of 8.0-plus earthquakes to develop a possibly chilling prediction.

According to Hoogerbeets, the Pacific Rim, specifically the area along the West Coast of the United States, may experience a 9.0 to 9.8 earthquake between May 28 and 29. He has emphatically stated that this is not a definite thing and that it may not happen, adding that he hopes it does not happen, but he wanted to warn people, especially those in the affected area in advance so they can make informed decisions.

At the root of this prediction is a trio of items. First a quatrain written by Nostradamus in his most famous work "The Prophecies" in the 1500s states the following: "The trembling so hard in the month of May, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg."

Nostradamus was a physician who began studying arcane knowledge and soon published an almanac which provided horoscopes and advice. Encouraged by the initial acceptance of his publication, he began to publish the tome annually and it was a commercial success.

This led Nostradamus to publish his tome "The Prophecies" which was a book of 1,000 quatrains, each being a four-line poetic verse written in a mixture of language and symbolic metaphors.

His enigmatic volume supposedly made predictions that ranged from 1555 to 3797 covering over two millennia of history. He was a clever man though, because the items are so vague that the church was never able to condemn him as a false prophet since the items made no sense until AFTER the events had come to pass. Because people were unsuccessful at timing the events ahead of time or using the volume to predict events, it spared him an inquisition and execution as a false prophet.

As you can see from the quatrain this Dutch researcher selected to help make a case for this earthquake, there is really nothing that states definitively this possibility except for the interpretation of the first line "The trembling so hard in the month of May."

This could be a stanza predicting the coming catastrophe, but with the last line of the verse "Hail will fall larger than an egg," one has to wonder what one line has to do with the other. Could it be just as accurate to state that the trembling could be a tornado or massive super-cell thunderstorm, both of which could be accompanied by hail?

This author justifies the earthquake prediction with numerological and astrological theory as well. According to his interpretation of the quatrain, Hoogerbeets said the astrological signs and the planets of the verse will be aligned on May 28.

I'm not an astrologer even though I understand the principles behind it. From what I can tell by researching on websites, I'm not exactly certain that the planets Nostradamus allegedly outlined are listed in the constellations for the month of May 2015.

If they are then the first piece of supporting proof would have much more credibility. I will continue to check this item out though because I am curious about it.

What is interesting is that he corroborates his prediction with the numerology behind these major earthquakes spanning from 1868 to the present.

From a numerological perspective, every earthquake that measured 8.0 or more on the Richter scale has followed a pattern since 1868. Hoogerbeets describes this pattern in detail on the website Ditrianium Media Center,

I have attempted to follow his logic and reason in describing these events and his prediction, but they are quite convoluted in my opinion. From what I'm able to discern, Hoogerbeets distilled the whole earthquake prediction cycle into a set of numerological vibrations that he claims repeat themselves, and the next one is due May 28, 2015.

The best part of this prophecy is we will determine in about three weeks or so if Frank Hoogerbeets is a prognosticator and successful numerologist or another well-meaning but deluded man. If a major earthquake occurs around or on May 28, then we will know he has successfully interpreted a quatrain in advance and hopefully saved thousands of lives.

For the sake of completeness, Hoogerbeets has made this final determination. If this earthquake hits, it could significantly alter the West Coast of the United States with floods and landslides and significant plate shifts.

Even he hopes he is wrong but felt the need to warn people. If this prediction occurs it will be interesting to observe, and furthermore it will give us pause as to the validity of Nostradamic prophecy.

On a side note which may add credence to this conjecturing, a massive underwater volcano started erupting off the coast of Oregon. While the accounts I read do not describe any immediate danger to people, could this be the sentinel for a major earthquake?

On the other hand, May 28 will probably be added to the list of false prophetic end dates as the day comes and goes peacefully. Let us pray for that outcome.

Till next time …

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