Help move Lansford forward
Dear Editor,
Lansford Borough Council is looking to raise lifeguard pay to $10 an hour. Where are we getting the money? As always, they will say "Yes, we have it budgeted." If other communities are paying $10, they probably have the revenue. Lansford does not.
One neighboring community pays lifeguards in managerial positions $10 an hour. Their starting rates are $7.25 an hour. If they return each season, they receive 25 cents more an hour. Why can't Lansford do something similar?
Repairs and updates are needed for the pool and parks/playgrounds. It is my understanding that major work to the pool was last done in the 1980s. Lansford received a grant to cover the cost.
It was stated at a council meeting that the pool has a leak. What happens if there is a major leak? There is a dire need to fix the pump house. Where will they get the money?
The Friends of the Pool and the Parks and Recreation Committee sponsors one chicken dinner fundraiser a year. They would have to sell thousands of dinners to raise the money for the much-needed repairs. Why can't the borough/pool try to seek a grant?
Council and Parks/Recreation Committee should have budgeted a portion each year since the 1980s to be set aside for repairs. They neglected to do that. Now, that things are deteriorating, how will they fix the problems?
Where is council going to get the money? The chicken dinner fundraiser? Other fundraisers? Or their "Old Faithful," the sewer transmission account/fund?
What about the nepotism on the Parks and Recreation Committee?
What about the committee members? One person who was on the committee for years resigned. Previously, two others resigned because they knew what was going on and did not want to be part of the charade. I will admit that I resigned.
Now the committee has two members related to a council member.
Years ago, two businesses wanted to build by the pool (across from Boyer's). Of course, that fell through, because a few people in town and council did not want a business in that area.
Supposedly, a developer wanted to purchase the Kiddie Clothes (garment factory). That went sour also. They allowed someone else to purchase the building and look what happened.
Didn't council know that a business would bring revenue for the borough and employ local people?
A certain council member wants to keep Lansford "pristine." Would a business down by the pool area destroy the beauty of the area?
Also, the borough would not have to maintain that section. The trees are dying and they aren't being replaced, so where is the beauty?
Another issue was brought up against businesses coming in to that area. The fear of drugs!
What is one of the problems in this community, other than dictatorship and manipulation! Drugs! I could name more problems in the borough, but I am sure the people of Lansford have ideas of what is happening.
How much more can the taxpayer take in this borough?
We also have the dreaded sewer transmission fee aka "Old Faithful account/fund." We can thank a certain council member who escalated the project from $300,000 to $800,000. This fund will never go away; the fee will only increase!
On May 19, go out and vote. Vote for people that you think have and will have Lansford as their priority, not their own agendas. Do a write-in campaign. The public needs to move Lansford forward!
If Lansford doesn't make drastic changes we will have "the perilous saga of Lansford" forever. We will not be able to get out of the "black hole."
Marie Ondrus